Soal dan Jawaban: Present Continuous Tense PG Free PDF
"You are reading an article on now."
Itu adalah salah satu contoh kalimat dalam bentuk present continuous tense.
Present continuous tense digunakan saat kita atau seseorang membicarakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi. Jadi proses terjadinya bersamaan antara si pembicara dengan peristiwa yang dibicarakannya.
Lebih jauh lagi kita dapat memahami fungsi dari present continuous tense pada materi yang telah dibahas sebelumnya. Silahkan dicek kembali.
Pada artikel kali ini kita tidak membahas materi present continuous tense, kita hanya membahas soal latihannya dalam bentuk pilihan ganda.
Silahkan simak soal dan jawaban: present continuous tense PG free PDF selengkapnya.

Multiple choice exercise of present continuous tense
Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.1. I . . . . . an online course this moment. Please don't disturb me.
a. listening to
b. is having
c. am having
d. am listen to
2. Mr. Connor . . . . . the table reservation now because he booked wrong restaurant.
a. is canceling
b. is cancelling
c. was cancelling
d. isn't canceling
3. Cello . . . . . a package at the front gate. He is going to mini market.
a. is not receiving
b. is not receiveing
c. is receiving
d. not is receiveing
4. The whole world is watching the final world cup match . . . . .
a. on Sunday
b. yesterday
c. now
d. tomorrow
5. Mom and dad . . . . . a conversation at the living room.
a. are having
b. don't have
c. are not have
d. are haveing
6. Mr. Abigail . . . . . the payment of his workers for this month.
a. don't transferring
b. do transfer
c. is transferring
d. is transfering
7. The herd of the zombies . . . . . to the south.
a. are moving
b. is moving
c. are moveing
d. do move
8. I'm sorry, you can't meet Mr. Erwin . . . . . He is meeting an important client . . . . .
a. tomorrow - at that time
b. today - now
c. at this moment - for 30 minutes
d. now - at this moment
9. Beatrice . . . . . to the yard when she knows some bad students . . . . . her cousin.
a. are running - is bullying
b. do run - do bullies
c. is running - are bullying
d. is runing - is bullying
10. You should call me 30 minutes later. I . . . . . English on . . . . .
a. am study - now
b. am studying - this time
c. am studying - later
d. am studyieng - this time
11. Change into English
"Maggie sedang menuju Ocean side saat ini."
a. Maggie is going to Ocean side that time.
b. Maggie is heading to Ocean side this moment.
c. Maggie isn't going to Ocean side this moment.
d. Maggie was heading to Ocean side right now.
12. Change into English
"Apakah Gabriel sedang memotong rumput di halaman belakang?"
a. Is Gabriel cutting the grass at the backyard?
b. Gabriel is cutting the grass at the backyard?
c. Is Gabriel cuting the grass at the backyard?
d. Gabriel is cuting the grass at the backyard?
13. Change into English
"Aku tidak sedang mengikuti kursus daring sekarang."
a. I am not joining online course now.
b. I am joining online course now.
c. I am not joinning online course this moment.
d. I don't joining online course this time.
14. Change into English
"Wade sedang memprovokasi musuhnya supaya menjauh dari gerbang utama."
a. Wade is provoking his enemy to get away from the main gate.
b. Wade is provokeing his enemy in order to get away from the main gate.
c. Wade are provoking his enemy in order to get away from the main gate.
d. Wade do provoke his enemy to get away from the main gate.
15. Change into English
"Ayah sedang mencari definisi dari kata galaxy di kamus."
a. Dad isn't look for the definition of word galaxy on dictionary.
b. Is Dad looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
c. Dad is looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
d. Dad is look foring the definition of word galaxy on dictionary.
16. Change into negative
"We are discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic."
a. Are we discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
b. We are not discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
c. We're not discuss about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
d. We do not discuss about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
17. Change into interrogative
"Hailey and Rose are investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently."
a. Hailey and Rose are not investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently.
b. Hailey and Rose are investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
c. Are Hailey and Rose investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
d. Do Hailey and Rose investigate the missing cattle in the farm recently?
18. Change into positive
"Are you listening to me?"
a. I am listening to you.
b. You are listening to me.
c. I am not listening to you.
d. You are not listening to me.
19. Change into negative
"Is she staring at you right now?"
a. She is not stareing at me right now.
b. She is not staring at me right now.
c. She is staring at you right now.
d. She is not staring at you right now.
20. Change into interrogative
"Three police cars are not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway."
a. Is three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
b. Are three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
c. Are three police cars not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
d. Is three police cars not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
Artikel terkiat:
"Ayah sedang mencari definisi dari kata galaxy di kamus."
a. Dad isn't look for the definition of word galaxy on dictionary.
b. Is Dad looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
c. Dad is looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
d. Dad is look foring the definition of word galaxy on dictionary.
16. Change into negative
"We are discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic."
a. Are we discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
b. We are not discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
c. We're not discuss about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
d. We do not discuss about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
17. Change into interrogative
"Hailey and Rose are investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently."
a. Hailey and Rose are not investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently.
b. Hailey and Rose are investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
c. Are Hailey and Rose investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
d. Do Hailey and Rose investigate the missing cattle in the farm recently?
18. Change into positive
"Are you listening to me?"
a. I am listening to you.
b. You are listening to me.
c. I am not listening to you.
d. You are not listening to me.
19. Change into negative
"Is she staring at you right now?"
a. She is not stareing at me right now.
b. She is not staring at me right now.
c. She is staring at you right now.
d. She is not staring at you right now.
20. Change into interrogative
"Three police cars are not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway."
a. Is three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
b. Are three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
c. Are three police cars not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
d. Is three police cars not chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
Artikel terkiat:
Teka Teki Silang Present Continuous Tense
1. c. am having
Kunci jawaban
Berikut kunci jawaban soal present continuous tense di atas.1. c. am having
2. b. is cancelling
3. a. is not receiving
4. c. now
5. a. are having
6. c. is transferring
7. b. is moving
8. d. now - at this moment
9. c. is running - are bullying
10. b. am studying - this time
11. b. Maggie is heading to Ocean side this moment.
12. a. Is Gabriel cutting the grass at the backyard?
13. a. I am not joining online course now.
14. a. Wade is provoking his enemy to get away from the main gate.
15. c. Dad is looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
16. b. We are not discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
17. c. Are Hailey and Rose investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
18. b. You are listening to me.
19. d. She is not staring at you right now.
20. b. Are three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
3. a. is not receiving
4. c. now
5. a. are having
6. c. is transferring
7. b. is moving
8. d. now - at this moment
9. c. is running - are bullying
10. b. am studying - this time
11. b. Maggie is heading to Ocean side this moment.
12. a. Is Gabriel cutting the grass at the backyard?
13. a. I am not joining online course now.
14. a. Wade is provoking his enemy to get away from the main gate.
15. c. Dad is looking for the definition of galaxy on dictionary.
16. b. We are not discussing about teaching and learning process during pandemic.
17. c. Are Hailey and Rose investigating the missing cattle in the farm recently?
18. b. You are listening to me.
19. d. She is not staring at you right now.
20. b. Are three police cars chasing a speeding SUV in the highway?
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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
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