Soal Descriptive Text Describing Animals
Mendeskripsikan hewan juga merupakan salah satu yang dipelajari pada materi descriptive text.
1. How many legs does a bird have?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
2. Rhinoceros is a . . . . . animal.
a. wild
b. kind
c. pet
d. tame
3. A giraffe has a long . . . . .
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. ears
d. neck
4. Fish live in the . . . . .
a. land
b. water
c. air
d. house
5. This is a
It has black and white color.
a. zebra
b. kangaroo
c. panda
d. cow
6. A . . . . . has beautiful wings.
a. bee
b. fly
c. dragonfly
d. butterfly
7. Monkeys like to eat . . . . .
a. banana
b. grass
c. meat
d. rice
8. Snake is a wild animal. it is . . . . .
a. strong
b. big
c. fly
d. poisonous
9. Tigers live in the . . . . .
a. farm
b. city
c. forest
d. grass
10. Monkeys like to . . . . . on trees.
a. climb
b. walk
c. eat
d. creep
11. Do snakes have limb?
a. Yes, it does
b. Yes, they do
c. No, it doesn't
d. No, they don't
12. . . . . . is the biggest land animal.
a. elephant
b. whale
c. rhinoceros
d. giraffe
13. Crocodile eats . . . . .
a. leaves
b. grass
c. fruit
d. meat
14. Look at this animal
It has beautiful . . . . .
a. body
b. fur
c. feather
d. hair
15. A . . . . . can produce milk.
a. bird
b. duck
c. fish
d. cow
Read the text below to answer question no 16 - 19
16. What kind of animal is Pompom?
a. a cat
b. a dog
c. a rabbit
d. a pet
17. What is the pet's color?
a. white
b. black
c. yellow
d. brownish yellow
18. How old is the pet?
a. 1 month
b. 2 month
c. 1 year
d. 2 years
19. What is Pompom's favorite food?
a. sausage
b. milk
c. dog food
d. fruit
20. What is the meaning of "pet" in Indonesian?
a. binatang liar
b. binatang ternak
c. binatang jinak
d. binatang peliharaan
21. Goat is a . . . . .
a. mammals
b. reptile
c. aves
d. amphibians
22. Look! The birds . . . . .
a. jump
b. fly
c. walk
d. climb
23. The . . . . . helps farmer to plow the rice fields.
a. sheep
b. cow
c. goat
d. buffalo
24. Frog is . . . . . It can live on land and in water.
a. aves
b. mammals
c. amphibians
d. reptile
25. . . . . . is a strong animal. It help people carry heavy things.
a. pig
b. goat
c. horse
d. sheep
26. Camels live on the . . . . .
a. forest
b. savanna
c. sea
d. desert
Read the text below to answer question no 27 - 33
27. Which one is the physical description of Kuma?
a. It lives in the Arctic
b. It is a carnivor
c. It has long neck, small head, short and round ears and short tail.
d. It is a mammals.
28. What is the function of bubbler under polar bears' skin?
a. to help them blend with surrounding
b. to help them hunt the prey
c. to make them fat
d. to make them warm
29. "Kuma is a carnivore." (paragraph 3) it means, it eats . . . . .
a. meat
b. fruit
c. plant
d. everything
30. What is the real color of polar bears' skin?
a. white
b. black
c. transparent
d. brown
31. Where is the habitat of Polar bears?
a. Arctic
b. Antarctic
c. Pacific
d. Atlantic
32. Why does it look white?
a. because it is a mammals
b. because they live on the snow
c. to make them warm
d. because of the reflection of light
33. "It is almost endangered." The underlined word means . . . . .
a. common
b. dead
c. threatened
d. alive
34. Panda eats . . . . .
a. grass
b. bamboo
c. leaves
d. meat
35. Zebra has . . . . . colors.
a. black and white
b. black and yellow
c. brown and yellow
d. grey and black
36. Cat is a . . . . . animal.
a. wild
b. tame
c. domesticated
d. cattle
37. Elephant is big. It also has a long . . . . .
a. neck
b. ears
c. legs
d. trunk
38. Lion is a . . . . . It eats meat.
a. carnivore
b. herbivore
c. omnivore
d. wild
39. The dog . . . . . to me.
a. meows
b. tweets
c. roars
d. barks
40. Bird has feather, wings and . . . . .
a. mouth
b. beak
c. jaw
d. trunk
Tell the physical appearance, characteristics, habitat, food and its uniqueness.
It is a Panda.
It eats bamboo.
It has white and black colors.
It is a wild animal.
It lives on land, especially in China.
Now, let's describe the animals below!
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. c
Soal descriptive text describing animals / hewan berikut terdiri dari 40 soal bentuk pilihan ganda dan 10 nomor essay disertai dengan kunci jawaban.
Semoga soal berikut dapat membantu melatih pemahaman tentang descriptive text terutama dalam mendeskripsikan hewan.
Berikut soal descriptive text describing animals / hewan selengkapnya.
Multiple choice test
Choose a, b, c, or d for the right answer!1. How many legs does a bird have?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
2. Rhinoceros is a . . . . . animal.
a. wild
b. kind
c. pet
d. tame
3. A giraffe has a long . . . . .
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. ears
d. neck
4. Fish live in the . . . . .
a. land
b. water
c. air
d. house
5. This is a
It has black and white color.
a. zebra
b. kangaroo
c. panda
d. cow
6. A . . . . . has beautiful wings.
a. bee
b. fly
c. dragonfly
d. butterfly
7. Monkeys like to eat . . . . .
a. banana
b. grass
c. meat
d. rice
8. Snake is a wild animal. it is . . . . .
a. strong
b. big
c. fly
d. poisonous
9. Tigers live in the . . . . .
a. farm
b. city
c. forest
d. grass
10. Monkeys like to . . . . . on trees.
a. climb
b. walk
c. eat
d. creep
11. Do snakes have limb?
a. Yes, it does
b. Yes, they do
c. No, it doesn't
d. No, they don't
12. . . . . . is the biggest land animal.
a. elephant
b. whale
c. rhinoceros
d. giraffe
13. Crocodile eats . . . . .
a. leaves
b. grass
c. fruit
d. meat
14. Look at this animal
It has beautiful . . . . .
a. body
b. fur
c. feather
d. hair
15. A . . . . . can produce milk.
a. bird
b. duck
c. fish
d. cow
Read the text below to answer question no 16 - 19
I want to tell you about my lovely pet. I call him Pompom because it is a Pomerania breed dog.
It is a small dog, only 3 Kg. Pompom's fur color is brownish yellow. It has four legs. it eyes are black. it has white short tail. it has cute paws. I got Pompom from a pet shop when he's one month old. Now he's 2 years old.
Pompom likes to eat sausage. We rarely give him dog's food. It also likes to drink milk. My pet is very cute. It always wait for me at the front door when I come home. It will run and jump to me excitedly. We build him a house, but he likes to sleep on the chair instead. I love my pet very much. I always play with Pompom everyday.
16. What kind of animal is Pompom?
a. a cat
b. a dog
c. a rabbit
d. a pet
17. What is the pet's color?
a. white
b. black
c. yellow
d. brownish yellow
18. How old is the pet?
a. 1 month
b. 2 month
c. 1 year
d. 2 years
19. What is Pompom's favorite food?
a. sausage
b. milk
c. dog food
d. fruit
20. What is the meaning of "pet" in Indonesian?
a. binatang liar
b. binatang ternak
c. binatang jinak
d. binatang peliharaan
21. Goat is a . . . . .
a. mammals
b. reptile
c. aves
d. amphibians
22. Look! The birds . . . . .
a. jump
b. fly
c. walk
d. climb
23. The . . . . . helps farmer to plow the rice fields.
a. sheep
b. cow
c. goat
d. buffalo
24. Frog is . . . . . It can live on land and in water.
a. aves
b. mammals
c. amphibians
d. reptile
25. . . . . . is a strong animal. It help people carry heavy things.
a. pig
b. goat
c. horse
d. sheep
26. Camels live on the . . . . .
a. forest
b. savanna
c. sea
d. desert
Read the text below to answer question no 27 - 33
My uncle is a zoo keeper. His job is to keep a polar bear named Kuma.
Kuma is a kind of bear. It is a mammals. it is very big bear. It is weighing at 680 Kg and height at 2,5 m long.
Kuma has a long neck, small head, short and round ears, short tails and sharp claws. It has 42 teeth.
Like the other polar bear, Kuma has bubbler (layer of fat) under its skin to make it warm. It may look white but actually has black skin with transparent fur. They looks white because of the reflection of light and it helps polar bear blends with the surrounding.
Kuma is a carnivore. It eats mainly seals. But sometimes other animals like fish or small mammals.
Kuma is a great swimmer. It can swim fast and stay long in a water. Kuma also has good sense of smell. It can smell up to 16 Km away. Most polar bear also has such ability. It helps them to trace their preys.
We can find polar bears in Arctic, in Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Kuma origin is from Russia. Kuma moves to zoo when it's 4 month old after its mom was killed by a hunter.
Now, Kuma lives safely and happily in a zoo. The sad news about polar bears is it is almost endanger. Climate change and hunters threats their live.
27. Which one is the physical description of Kuma?
a. It lives in the Arctic
b. It is a carnivor
c. It has long neck, small head, short and round ears and short tail.
d. It is a mammals.
28. What is the function of bubbler under polar bears' skin?
a. to help them blend with surrounding
b. to help them hunt the prey
c. to make them fat
d. to make them warm
29. "Kuma is a carnivore." (paragraph 3) it means, it eats . . . . .
a. meat
b. fruit
c. plant
d. everything
30. What is the real color of polar bears' skin?
a. white
b. black
c. transparent
d. brown
31. Where is the habitat of Polar bears?
a. Arctic
b. Antarctic
c. Pacific
d. Atlantic
32. Why does it look white?
a. because it is a mammals
b. because they live on the snow
c. to make them warm
d. because of the reflection of light
33. "It is almost endangered." The underlined word means . . . . .
a. common
b. dead
c. threatened
d. alive
34. Panda eats . . . . .
a. grass
b. bamboo
c. leaves
d. meat
35. Zebra has . . . . . colors.
a. black and white
b. black and yellow
c. brown and yellow
d. grey and black
36. Cat is a . . . . . animal.
a. wild
b. tame
c. domesticated
d. cattle
37. Elephant is big. It also has a long . . . . .
a. neck
b. ears
c. legs
d. trunk
38. Lion is a . . . . . It eats meat.
a. carnivore
b. herbivore
c. omnivore
d. wild
39. The dog . . . . . to me.
a. meows
b. tweets
c. roars
d. barks
40. Bird has feather, wings and . . . . .
a. mouth
b. beak
c. jaw
d. trunk
Describe each animal below with your own words.Tell the physical appearance, characteristics, habitat, food and its uniqueness.
It is a Panda.
It eats bamboo.
It has white and black colors.
It is a wild animal.
It lives on land, especially in China.
Now, let's describe the animals below!
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Ibarat berbelanja, belilah barang halal di toko atau penjual amanah, bukan di para penadah barang curian.
Sekian untuk intermezo ini, lanjut ke kunci jawaban di bawah.
Kunci Jawaban
Multiple choice test
1. b2. a
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. a
8. d
9. c
10. a
7. a
8. d
9. c
10. a
11. d
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. d
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. d
16. b
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. d
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. d
21. a
22. b
23. d
24. c
25. c
22. b
23. d
24. c
25. c
26. d
27. c
28. d
29. a
30. b
27. c
28. d
29. a
30. b
31. a
32. d
33. c
34. b
35. a
32. d
33. c
34. b
35. a
36. b
37. d
38. a
39. d
40. b
Artikel terkait:
Penjelasan Descriptive Text Paling Mudah Dipahami
Soal Descriptive Text Describing Someone
Soal Ulangan Descriptive Text Pilihan Ganda
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37. d
38. a
39. d
40. b
Jawaban menyesuaikan atau sesuai dengan pertimbangan penilai.Artikel terkait:
Penjelasan Descriptive Text Paling Mudah Dipahami
Soal Descriptive Text Describing Someone
Soal Ulangan Descriptive Text Pilihan Ganda
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