LKPD If Clause + Suggestion Imperative Kelas XII
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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik If clause + suggestion imperative
Admin pernah posting soal offering help and giving suggestion (if clause) sebenarnya pada beberapa waktu yang lalu. Untuk menambah referensi dan memperkaya keberagaman berbagai bentuk soal latihan, kali ini admin akan share lembar kerja peserta didik pada materi yang sama yaitu if clause + suggestion / imperative.
Pada LKPD If Clause + Suggestion / Imperative kali ini, target skill yang akan dilatih adalah speaking skill.
Peserta didik akan diminta menyusun dialog singkat yang mengandung kalimat If clause + suggestion atau if clause + imperative.
Untuk memberikan stimulus atau memberikan ide terkait topik dialog yang harus disusun oleh peserta didik, peserta didik diberikan beberapa pilihan situasi dan gambar pada LKPD.
Peserta didik tinggal berdiskusi dan menentukan situasi mana yang mereka akan pilih kemudian dibuatkan dialognya bersama teman sebangkunya.
Setelah selesai menyusun dialog singkat, selanjutnya peserta didik secara berpasangan akan diminta melakukan role play atau bermain peran di depan kelas untuk memperagakan dialog berisi if clause + suggestion / imperative yang telah mereka susun.
Berikut LKPD if clause + suggestion / imperative selengkapnya.
LKPD If Clause + Suggestion / Imperative
Choose one of the situations below then make short dialogue that consists if clause + suggestion / imperative based on the situation given.
Perform the dialogue with your friend.
Now you will try to make short dialogue based on the situations below and then do the role play with your friend.
Photo by Dustin Demmerle:
"Student 2 misses the public transportation/school bus. She/He is late and the teacher is angry to her/him."
Photo by Tom Fisk:
"Student 2's sister will have birthday party next week. She/He doesn't have the idea for the birthday gift."
Photo by Uriel Mont:
"Student 2 needs a fast and free internet connection. Student 2 doesn't know there is a free wifi at the park."
Photo by Mikhail Nilov:
"Student 2 wants to be the leader of student council. She/He needs an advice."
Photo by Ethan Brooke:
"Student 2 will go to Korea for the first time. You have gone to Korea before (give her/him recommendation about the good place to be visited in Korea)."
"Student 2 wants to join an extracurricular. She/He doesn't know what extracurricular that suits her/his."
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:
"Student 2 is a new student. She/He doesn't know where the library is. She/He needs to go there to borrow some books."
Photo by Keira Burton:
"Student 2 has conflict with her/his classmate. She/He needs an advice."
Photo by Nathan Engel:
"Student 2 needs a recommendation about a movie she/he has to watch with her/his friend."
Photo by cottonbro studio:
"Student 2 needs to meet her/his teacher for counseling. She/He has been looking for the teacher. You know where the teacher is."
Photo by Vlad Bagacian:
Situation: "Student 2 accidentally spills his/her coffee on his/her friend's laptop."
Example of the dialogue based on that situation:
Student 1: Is everything ok?
Student 2: No, I accidentally spill my drink on my friend’s laptop. What should I do?
Student 1: If your friend is mad at you, apologize immediately.
Or if his/her laptop is broken, why don’t you ask Mr. Siddik? He is a technician.
Student 2: Alright, I think I will take your suggestion.
Student 1: Sure, let me accompany you to Mr. Siddik.
Now you will try to make short dialogue based on the situations below and then do the role play with your friend.
Photo by Ron Lach :
"Student 2's phone is out of battery. She/He needs to order on online transportation to go home."
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:
"Student 2 fails on her/his test."
Photo by Dustin Demmerle:
"Student 2 misses the public transportation/school bus. She/He is late and the teacher is angry to her/him."
Photo by Tom Fisk:
"Student 2's sister will have birthday party next week. She/He doesn't have the idea for the birthday gift."
Photo by Uriel Mont:
"Student 2 needs a fast and free internet connection. Student 2 doesn't know there is a free wifi at the park."
Photo by Mikhail Nilov:
"Student 2 wants to be the leader of student council. She/He needs an advice."
Photo by Ethan Brooke:
"Student 2 will go to Korea for the first time. You have gone to Korea before (give her/him recommendation about the good place to be visited in Korea)."
"Student 2 wants to join an extracurricular. She/He doesn't know what extracurricular that suits her/his."
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:
"Student 2 is a new student. She/He doesn't know where the library is. She/He needs to go there to borrow some books."
Photo by Keira Burton:
"Student 2 has conflict with her/his classmate. She/He needs an advice."
Photo by Nathan Engel:
"Student 2 needs a recommendation about a movie she/he has to watch with her/his friend."
Photo by cottonbro studio:
"Student 2 needs to meet her/his teacher for counseling. She/He has been looking for the teacher. You know where the teacher is."
Setelah peserta didik selesai menyusun dialog singkat berdasarkan salah satu contoh situasi di atas, selanjutnya secara berpasangan peserta didik diminta untuk melakukan kegiatan bermain peran (role play) di depan kelas.
Kunci jawaban LKPD if clause + suggestion / imperative
Jawaban setiap peserta didik mungkin akan berbeda-beda tergantung dari kreatifitas masing-masing.
Sebagai bahan referensi atau contoh dialog dari situasi di atas, berikut beberapa contoh dialog singkat terkait if clause + imperative / suggestion berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
Role play script if clause + suggestion / imperative
Dialogue 1
Situation : “Student 2 can’t order online transportation because her/his phone is out of battery.”
Student 1 : Why do you look so confused (student 2) ?
Student 2 : I have to go home now, but I can’t order online transportation. My phone is out of battery.
Student 1 : I see. If you want to order online transportation, you can use my phone.
Student 2 : Really?
Student 1 : Yes, sure. Here you are.
Student 2 : Thank you, you are so helpful.
Dialogue 2
Situation : “Student 2 fails on her/his test.”
Student 1 : You’re being quiet today, are you ok?
Student 2 : No, I’m sad.
Student 1 : What happen?
Student 2 : I fail on the test. I only have one more chance.
Student 1 : If you don’t want to fail on the next text, take the enrichment program.
Student 2 : Ok, I will try.
Dialogue 3
Situation : “Student 2 misses the public transportation/bus school She/He is late and the teacher is angry to her/him.”
(The conversation is on the phone)
Student 2 : Hello, is Mr. Nizar in the classroom?
Student 1 : Yes. He’s asking about you. You are late again.
Student 2 : I know. I miss the bus.
Student 1 : Again? Mr. Nizar is angry to you.
Student 2 : Oh my God. I don’t know what to do.
Student 1 : Listen. If you don’t want to miss the bus, you should wake up earlier.
Student 2 : You’re right.
Dialogue 4
Situation : “Student 2's sister will have birthday party next week. She/He doesn't have the idea for the birthday gift.”
Student 1 : What are you looking for?
Student 2 : Umm . . . I’m looking for something. A gift for my sister’s birthday.
Do you have recommendation?
Student 1 : Well, I think if you want to give a memorable gift, why don’t you give something like a watch or a pendant.
Student 2 : Ya, that’s a good idea. Thank you.
Student 1 : No problem.
Dialogue 5
Situation : “Student 2 needs a fast and free internet connection. Student 2 doesn't know there is a free wifi at the park.”
Student 1 : You look so stressful. What happen?
Student 2 : The internet connection makes me crazy. I have to upload my task now.
Student 1 : Have you tried using wifi?
Student 2 : There’s no wifi around here.
Student 1 : If you want free and fast wifi, go to park. There’s free wifi there.
Student 2 : Thank you so much.
Dialogue 6
Situation : “Student 2 wants to be the leader of student council. She/He needs an advice.”
Student 1 : Finally, I meet you here.
Student 2 : What’s wrong?
Student 1 : I just never see you around lately.
Student 2 : I’ve been busy.
Student 1 : Busy? What are you doing?
Student 2 : I’m preparing myself to be the leader of students council.
Student 1 : Well, if you want to be the leader of students council, you should have a good program.
Student 2 : Thank you for your suggestion.
Student 1 : Sure.
Dialogue 7
Situation : “Student 2 will go to Korea for the first time. You have gone to Korea before (give her/him recommendation about the good place to be visited in Korea).”
Student 2 : Hey (student 1), I want to ask you something.
Student 1 : Sure, what is it?
Student 2 : I’ve heard you have ever gone to Korea. I will go to Korea too next month.
What is the best place to visit in Korea?
Student 1 : There are many interesting places.
But if you want to get the best experience, you should visit Jeju Island.
Student 2 : Ok, I will put it on my list. Thank you.
Student 1 : You are welcome.
Dialogue 8
Situation : “Student 2 wants to join an extracurricular. She/He doesn't know what extracurricular that suits her/his.”
Student 2 : Hey, can I ask you something?
Student 1 : Please.
Student 2 : I want to join extracurricular. Do you know what is the best for me?
Student 1 : If you want the activity that makes you to exercise, choose basketball or futsal club.
But if you want to learn about organization, choose scout or students council.
Student 2 : Thank you for your suggestions. I know I can count on you.
Student 1 : You’re welcome.
Dialogue 9
Situation : “Student 2 is a new student. She/He doesn't know where the library is. She/He needs to go there to borrow some books.”
Student 1 : Looks like you have a trouble. What’s wrong?
Student 2 : I’m a new student here. My teacher tells me to borrow a book.
Student 1 : If you want to borrow books, why don’t you go to library.
Student 2 : I don’t know where the library is.
Student 1 : If you want to go to the library, go to the corner of that building.
Student 2 : Ok, thank you.
Student 1 : No problem.
Dialogue 10
Situation : "Situation 2 has conflict with her/his classmate. She/He needs an advice."
Student 1 : So the rumor is true that you clash with your classmate.
Student 2 : Yes, it's true. And I regret it. I don't know what am I supposed to do now.
I am not comfortable at the class now.
Student 1 : Sometimes we can't avoid a conflict. But we can't let it keep dragging on.
Student 2 : What is your suggestion?
Student 1 : Apologize. Doesn't matter who start it first now. End the conflict by apoligizing is the best way to restore your friendship.
Student 2 : Alright I'll do it. Thank you.
Student 1 : Sure.
Dialogue 11
Situation : “Student 2 needs a recommendation about a movie she/he has to watch with her/his friend.”
Student 2 : I never watch Korean drama but I am interested now.
Do you have a suggestion?
Student 1 : Welcome to the club.
If you want to watch good Korean drama, you should watch Full House.
It’s old but it’s a good start.
Student 2 : Ok, thank you.
Student 1 : You are welcome.
Dialogue 12
Situation : “Student 2 needs to meet her/his teacher for counseling. She/He has been looking for the teacher. You know where the teacher is.”
Student 2 : Do you see (Mrs. Ghina) in the laboratory?
Student 1 : No, what’s wrong?
Student 2 : I need to meet (Mrs. Ghina). I need for counseling. She will give me a good advice for my problem.
Student 1 : If you want to meet (Mrs. Ghina), go to administration room at the break time.
She is always there.
Student 2 : Are you sure?
Student 1 : Yes.
Student 2 : Thank you.
Student 1 : Ok.
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