Penjelasan, Fungsi dan Aturan Question Tags Paling Mudah
Question tags merupakan kalimat pernyataan yang diakhiri dengan sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang fungsinya untuk meminta atau menanyakan konfirmasi, meminta sebuah penegasan atau meminta sebuah persetujuan.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita mungkin sudah sangat familiar dengan pertanyaan singkat di akhir sebuah statement atau pernyataan yang berbunyi "iya kan?" contoh "Kamu sudah mengerjakan PR, iya kan?".
Nah kurang lebih seperti itulah bentuk dari Question tags.
Materi Question Tags tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja karena materi ini adalah salah satu materi yang paling penting dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Question tags sering kali digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari oleh para English native speakers.
Sebelum kita bahas lebih lanjut ada beberapa aturan yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat question tags, kita akan mulai pada 3 aturan utama yaitu:
1. Penggunaan Auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu).
2. Ekor kalimat atau dalam hal ini disebut dengan question tag.
Question tag ini akan ditentukan dari kalimat utamanya. Jika kalimat utamanya positif maka question tagnya negatif. Dan sebaliknya, apabila kalimat utamanya negatif maka question tagnya harus positif.
3. Penggunaan Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang).
Apabila dalam kalimat utamanya menggunakan subject nama orang, maka pada bagian question tagnya nama orang tersebut diganti dengan kata ganti orang sesuai dengan gendernya.
Perhatikan penjelasan dan contoh berikut:
Question tags untuk kalimat Simple Present Tense
Kalimat Verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat verbal Simple Present Tense, auxiliary verb yang digunakan adalah:
Do / Don't untuk subject jamak (lebih dari satu)
Does / Doesn't untuk subject tunggal.
That man always looks out the window in the afternoon, doesn't he?
Morgan and Luke play chess, don't they?
She works at the restaurant, doesn't she?
Your parents don't know you're here, do they?
He doesn't accept our invitation, does he?
Yulia doesn't invite us, does she?
Do / Don't untuk subject jamak (lebih dari satu)
Does / Doesn't untuk subject tunggal.
That man always looks out the window in the afternoon, doesn't he?
Morgan and Luke play chess, don't they?
She works at the restaurant, doesn't she?
Your parents don't know you're here, do they?
He doesn't accept our invitation, does he?
Yulia doesn't invite us, does she?
Kalimat Nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat nominal Simple Present Tense, kata kerja bantu yang digunakan adalah To be seperti:
Am / Aren't untuk subject I
Is / Isn't untuk subject He, She, It, (nama orang satu, atau semua yang tunggal)
Are / Aren't untuk subject You, We, They (nama orang dua atau lebih, atau semua yang jamak).
I am part of this community, aren't I?
(khusus untuk to be "am" maka question tag negatifnya adalah "aren't")
I am not a member of this group, am I?
(sedangkan bentuk negatif "am not" maka question tagnya tetap bentuk positif "am")
You are my new classmate, aren't you?
You are not mad at me, are you?
He is a doctor, isn't he?
Dion isn't a doctor, is he?
She is your girlfriend, isn't she?
Rena isn't your grilfriend, is she?
It is your cat, isn't it?
Your cat isn't persian cat, is it?
They are from Italy, aren't they?
They aren't football players, are they?
Am / Aren't untuk subject I
Is / Isn't untuk subject He, She, It, (nama orang satu, atau semua yang tunggal)
Are / Aren't untuk subject You, We, They (nama orang dua atau lebih, atau semua yang jamak).
I am part of this community, aren't I?
(khusus untuk to be "am" maka question tag negatifnya adalah "aren't")
I am not a member of this group, am I?
(sedangkan bentuk negatif "am not" maka question tagnya tetap bentuk positif "am")
You are my new classmate, aren't you?
You are not mad at me, are you?
He is a doctor, isn't he?
Dion isn't a doctor, is he?
She is your girlfriend, isn't she?
Rena isn't your grilfriend, is she?
It is your cat, isn't it?
Your cat isn't persian cat, is it?
They are from Italy, aren't they?
They aren't football players, are they?
Question tags untuk kalimat Simple Past Tense
Kalimat Verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat verbal Simple Past Tense, auxiliary verb yang digunakan adalah:
Did / Didn't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak
That man looked out the window in the last afternoon, didn't he?
Morgan and Luke played chess yesterday, didn't they?
She worked at the restaurant, didn't she?
Your parents didn't know you're here, did they?
He didn't accept our invitation, did he?
Yulia didn't invite us, did she?
Did / Didn't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak
That man looked out the window in the last afternoon, didn't he?
Morgan and Luke played chess yesterday, didn't they?
She worked at the restaurant, didn't she?
Your parents didn't know you're here, did they?
He didn't accept our invitation, did he?
Yulia didn't invite us, did she?
Kalimat Nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat nominal Simple Pastt Tense, kata kerja bantu yang digunakan adalah To be seperti:
Was / Wasn't untuk subject I, He, She, It, (nama orang satu, atau semua yang tunggal)
Were / Weren't untuk subject You, We, They (nama orang dua atau lebih, atau semua yang jamak).
I was part of this community, wasn't I?
I wasn't a member of this group, was I?
You were my classmate, weren't you?
You were not mad at me, were you?
He was a doctor, wasn't he?
Dion wasn't a doctor, was he?
She was your girlfriend, wasn't she?
Rena wasn't your grilfriend, was she?
It was your cat, wasn't it?
Your cat wasn't persian cat, was it?
They were from Italy, weren't they?
They weren't football players, were they?
Was / Wasn't untuk subject I, He, She, It, (nama orang satu, atau semua yang tunggal)
Were / Weren't untuk subject You, We, They (nama orang dua atau lebih, atau semua yang jamak).
I was part of this community, wasn't I?
I wasn't a member of this group, was I?
You were my classmate, weren't you?
You were not mad at me, were you?
He was a doctor, wasn't he?
Dion wasn't a doctor, was he?
She was your girlfriend, wasn't she?
Rena wasn't your grilfriend, was she?
It was your cat, wasn't it?
Your cat wasn't persian cat, was it?
They were from Italy, weren't they?
They weren't football players, were they?
Question tags untuk kalimat Simple Future Tense
Kalimat Verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat verbal Simple Present Tense, auxiliary verb yang digunakan adalah:
Will / Won't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak.
Pada bagian kalimat utama negatif kita dapat menggunakan "will not" ataupun "won't" tapi untuk bagian question tag kita sebaiknya menyingkat will not menjadi "won't".
That man will look out the window again next afternoon, won't he?
Morgan and Luke will play chess, won't they?
She will work at the restaurant next week, won't she?
Your parents won't find you're here, will they?
He won't accept our invitation, will he?
Yulia won't invite us, will she?
Will / Won't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak.
Pada bagian kalimat utama negatif kita dapat menggunakan "will not" ataupun "won't" tapi untuk bagian question tag kita sebaiknya menyingkat will not menjadi "won't".
That man will look out the window again next afternoon, won't he?
Morgan and Luke will play chess, won't they?
She will work at the restaurant next week, won't she?
Your parents won't find you're here, will they?
He won't accept our invitation, will he?
Yulia won't invite us, will she?
Kalimat Nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)
Untuk kalimat nominal Simple Future Tense, kata kerja bantu yang digunakan sama seperti pada kalimat verbal yaitu:
Will / Won't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak.
Pada bagian kalimat utama negatif kita dapat menggunakan "will not" ataupun "won't" tapi untuk bagian question tag kita sebaiknya menyingkat will not menjadi "won't".
Lalu pada bagian question tag kita tidak harus menuliskan lagi kata "be".
I will be part of this community, won't I?
I will not be a member of this group, will I?
You will be my new classmate, won't you?
You won't be mad at me, will you?
He will be a doctor next year, won't he?
Dion won't be a doctor, will he?
She will be your girlfriend, won't she?
Rena will not be your grilfriend, will she?
It will be my new room, won't it?
Your new room will not be next to my room, will it?
They will be football players, won't they?
They won't be football players, will they?
Aturan-aturan tambahan berikut juga harus kita perhatikan dalam membuat Question tags. Aturan-aturan tersebut adalah:
Nadia can't dance ballet anymore, can she?
Windi and Robert could cook Japanese food, couldn't they?
William shouldn't keep a dog in his house, should he?
She will wait for you tomorrow, won't she?
He mustn't promise her anything, must he?
Peter would be there to support us, wouldn't he?
Seperti kalimat yang mengandung kata-kata seperti: Never, Seldom, Rarely, Nobody, No one, Nothing, Hardly, Barely. dsb.
She never visits her family, does she?
She never visited her family, did she?
She will never visit her family, will she?
Dean seldom goes out of town, does he?
Dean seldom went out of town, did he?
We rarely meet Mr. Frank, do we?
We rarely met Mr. Frank, did we?
Nobody likes Ariel, does they?
Nobody liked Ariel, did they?
Nobody will like Ariel, will they?
No one trust her statement, do they?
No one trusted her statement, did they?
No one will trust her statement, will they?
Nothing interrupts his speech, does it?
Nothing interrupted his speech, did it?
Nothing will interrupt his speech, will it?
We hardly ever drink beer, do we?
We hardly ever drunk beer, did we?
He is hardly more than 15 years old, is he?
He was hardly more than 15 years old, was he?
Rianto barely leave his family, does he?
Rianto barely left his family, did he?
Nobody cares about the government's program, do they?
Nobody cared about the government's program, did they?
Nobody will care about the government's program, will they?
No one believe to the news on social media, does they?
No one believed to the news on social media, did they?
No one will believe to the news on social media, will they?
Everybody dances on the stage, doesn't they?
Everybody danced on the stage, didn't they?
Everybody won't dance on the stage, will they?
Everyone forgets about the homework, do they?
Everyone forgot about the homework, didn't they?
Everyone will forget about the homework, won't they?
Someone gives her a good advice, don't they?
Someone didn't give her a good advice, did they?
Someone will give her a good advice, won't they?
Somebody puts the flowers on your desk, do they?
Somebody put the flowers on your desk, didn't they?
Somebody won't put the flowers on your desk, will they?
Anyone see the news on the board, don't they?
Anyone saw the news on the board, did they?
Anyone will see the news on the board, won't they?
Anybody help us, don't they?
Anybody helped us, didn't they?
Anybody will help us, won't they?
Nothing interrupts his speech, does it?
Nothing interrupted his speech, did it?
Nothing will interrupt his speech, will it?
Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?
Everything happened for a reason, didn't it?
Everything will happen for a reason, won't it?
Something moves in the bush, doesn't it?
Something moved in the bush, didn't it?
Something will move in the bush, won't it?
Close the window, will you?
Don't cross the line, will you?
Don't smoke in this room, will you?
Pass me that glass, will you?
Pull the car over, will you?
Let's clean the classroom, shall we?
Let's go to cinema, shall we?
Let's help him, shall we?
Let's not disturb her, shall we?
Let's not waste our time, shall we?
That is the end of our lesson today, I hope it's useful.
You can try some exercises about this material on the other post entitled:
Kumpulan Latihan Soal Question Tags Terbaru
Thanks for visiting Dimensi Bahasa Inggris.
Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
Will / Won't untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak.
Pada bagian kalimat utama negatif kita dapat menggunakan "will not" ataupun "won't" tapi untuk bagian question tag kita sebaiknya menyingkat will not menjadi "won't".
Lalu pada bagian question tag kita tidak harus menuliskan lagi kata "be".
I will be part of this community, won't I?
I will not be a member of this group, will I?
You will be my new classmate, won't you?
You won't be mad at me, will you?
He will be a doctor next year, won't he?
Dion won't be a doctor, will he?
She will be your girlfriend, won't she?
Rena will not be your grilfriend, will she?
It will be my new room, won't it?
Your new room will not be next to my room, will it?
They will be football players, won't they?
They won't be football players, will they?
Aturan-aturan tambahan berikut juga harus kita perhatikan dalam membuat Question tags. Aturan-aturan tersebut adalah:
4. Kalimat yang mengandung Modals menggunakan modals itu sendiri pada bagian question tagnya.
Nadia can't dance ballet anymore, can she?
Windi and Robert could cook Japanese food, couldn't they?
William shouldn't keep a dog in his house, should he?
She will wait for you tomorrow, won't she?
He mustn't promise her anything, must he?
Peter would be there to support us, wouldn't he?
5. Untuk kalimat yang bermakna negatif maka question tagnya harus positif.
Seperti kalimat yang mengandung kata-kata seperti: Never, Seldom, Rarely, Nobody, No one, Nothing, Hardly, Barely. dsb.
She never visits her family, does she?
She never visited her family, did she?
She will never visit her family, will she?
Dean seldom goes out of town, does he?
Dean seldom went out of town, did he?
We rarely meet Mr. Frank, do we?
We rarely met Mr. Frank, did we?
Nobody likes Ariel, does they?
Nobody liked Ariel, did they?
Nobody will like Ariel, will they?
No one trust her statement, do they?
No one trusted her statement, did they?
No one will trust her statement, will they?
Nothing interrupts his speech, does it?
Nothing interrupted his speech, did it?
Nothing will interrupt his speech, will it?
We hardly ever drink beer, do we?
We hardly ever drunk beer, did we?
He is hardly more than 15 years old, is he?
He was hardly more than 15 years old, was he?
Rianto barely leave his family, does he?
Rianto barely left his family, did he?
6. Kalimat yang mengandung subject seperti: Nobody, No one, Everybody, Everyone, Someone, Somebody, Anyone, Anybody, dsb. maka kita harus menggunakan "They" untuk subject di bagian Question tagnya.
Nobody cares about the government's program, do they?
Nobody cared about the government's program, did they?
Nobody will care about the government's program, will they?
No one believe to the news on social media, does they?
No one believed to the news on social media, did they?
No one will believe to the news on social media, will they?
Everybody dances on the stage, doesn't they?
Everybody danced on the stage, didn't they?
Everybody won't dance on the stage, will they?
Everyone forgets about the homework, do they?
Everyone forgot about the homework, didn't they?
Everyone will forget about the homework, won't they?
Someone gives her a good advice, don't they?
Someone didn't give her a good advice, did they?
Someone will give her a good advice, won't they?
Somebody puts the flowers on your desk, do they?
Somebody put the flowers on your desk, didn't they?
Somebody won't put the flowers on your desk, will they?
Anyone see the news on the board, don't they?
Anyone saw the news on the board, did they?
Anyone will see the news on the board, won't they?
Anybody help us, don't they?
Anybody helped us, didn't they?
Anybody will help us, won't they?
7. Kalimat yang mengandung subject seperti: Nothing, Everything, Something, sdb. maka kita harus menggunakan "It" untuk subject pada bagian Question tagnya.
Nothing interrupts his speech, does it?
Nothing interrupted his speech, did it?
Nothing will interrupt his speech, will it?
Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?
Everything happened for a reason, didn't it?
Everything will happen for a reason, won't it?
Something moves in the bush, doesn't it?
Something moved in the bush, didn't it?
Something will move in the bush, won't it?
8. Kalimat larangan atau perintah menggunakan "will" pada bagian Question tagnya dan subjectnya menggunakan "you".
Close the window, will you?
Don't cross the line, will you?
Don't smoke in this room, will you?
Pass me that glass, will you?
Pull the car over, will you?
9. Kalimat ajakan yang mengandung kata let's maka kita gunakan "shall we" pada bagian Question tagnya.
Let's clean the classroom, shall we?
Let's go to cinema, shall we?
Let's help him, shall we?
Let's not disturb her, shall we?
Let's not waste our time, shall we?
That is the end of our lesson today, I hope it's useful.
You can try some exercises about this material on the other post entitled:
Kumpulan Latihan Soal Question Tags Terbaru
Thanks for visiting Dimensi Bahasa Inggris.
Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
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