Penjelasan Indirect Speech Will, Can, May, Must & Have to
Kita berada pada pembahasan terakhir tentang indirect speech / reported speech.
Olivia: "I will take my sister to Windi's birthday party."
Pada contoh kalimat di atas, kita dapat menemukan kata ganti orang seperti I dan My yang merujuk pada si pembicara yaitu Olivia.
Saat kita mengubah kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, kata ganti I dan My harus tetap merujuk pada Olivia. Maka kalimat tidak langsung dari contoh kalimat di atas adalah:
Olivia said (that) she would take her sister to Windi's birthday party.
Perlu diingat bahwa kata ganti yang mengalami perubahan adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada si pembicara atau orang yang menjadi object si pembicara seperti you, your, we dan our.
Kalimat langsung - Kalimat tdk langsung
today - that day
now - then / at that moment
tomorrow - the following day / the next day / a day later
yesterday - the previous day / the day before
last week - the week before / the previous week
last month - the month before / the previous month
last year - the year before / the previous year
next week - the week later / the following week
next month - the month later / the following month
next year - the year later / the following year
here - there
this - that
Rumus yang digunakan adalah:
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Would = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari will.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Ingrid: "My friend will meet you after he finishes his class."
Ingrid said (that) her friend would meet me after he finished his class.
Loki: "I will resign next month. I hope it is a right decision."
Loki said (that) he would resign the month later. He hoped it was a right decision.
Teacher: "We will visit a museum in Yogyakarta next week."
The teacher said (that) we would visit a museum in Yogyakarta the following week.
Would not dapat kita singkat menjadi wouldn't.
Contoh kalimat berikut merupakan contoh kalimat positive di atas yang kita ubah menjadi kalimat negative supaya terlihat perbedaannya.
Ingrid: "My friend will not meet you after he finishes his class."
Ingrid said (that) her friend would not meet me after he finished his class.
Loki: "I won't resign next month. I hope it is a right decision."
Loki said (that) he wouldn't resign the month later. He hoped it was a right decision.
Teacher: "We will not visit a museum in Yogyakarta next week."
The teacher said (that) we would not visit a museum in Yogyakarta the following week.
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Silvi: "I will be a professional pianist one day because music is my passion."
Silvi said (that) she would be a professional pianist one day because music was her passion.
Ferri: "My new car will be the fastest car in the race."
Ferri said (that) his new car would be the fastest car in the race.
Mom: "Everything will be just fine as long as you do your best."
Mom said (that) Everything would be just fine as long as I did my best."
Would not dapat disingkat menjadi wouldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Silvi: "I will not be a professional pianist one day because music is not my passion."
Silvi said (that) she would not be a professional pianist one day because music was not her passion.
Ferri: "My new car won't be the fastest car in the race."
Ferri said (that) his new car wouldn't be the fastest car in the race.
Mom: "Everything will not be just fine if you don't do your best."
Mom said (that) Everything would not be just fine if I didn't do my best.
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Could = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari can.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Lisa: "I can make a flower from paper."
Lisa said (that) she could make a flower from paper.
Policeman: "You can take that way to get to your destination."
The policeman said (that) I could take that way to get to my destination.
Haikal: "Can I go to toilet for a minute?"
Haikal said (that) could he go to toilet for a minute?
Could not dapat kita singkat menjadi couldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Lisa: "I can't make a flower from paper."
Lisa said (that) she couldn't make a flower from paper.
Policeman: "You can't take this way. There is a forbidden sign."
The policeman said (that) I couldn't take that way. There was a forbidden sign.
Teacher: "You can't go to toilet in the middle of explanation."
The teacher said that I couldn't go to toilet in the middle of explanation.
Kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan can rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Alex: "You can be a good musician if you keep on practicing."
Alex said (that) I could be a good musician if I kept on practicing.
Helmi: "The information we get from Mrs. Salma can be the truth."
Helmi said (that) the information they got from Mrs. Salma could be the truth.
Ane: "My mom can be sad if she hear about this bad news."
Ane said (that) her mom could be sad if she heard about that bad news.
Could not dapat disingkat menjadi couldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Alex: "You can't be a good musician if you never practice."
Alex said (that) I could not be a good musician if I never practiced.
Helmi: "The information we get from Mrs. Salma can't be the truth."
Helmi said (that) the information they got from Mrs. Salma couldn't be the truth.
Ane: "My mom can't be happy if she hears about this bad news."
Ane said (that) her mom couldn't be happy if she heard about that bad news.
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Might = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari may.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Bunga: "I may call you tonight after dinner."
Bunga said (that) she might call me that night after dinner.
Bryan: "Everybody may leave the room when the event is over."
Bryan said (that) everybody might leave the room when the event was over.
Lilli: "You may sit here with me if you want."
Lilli said (that) I might sit there with her if I wanted.
Kita sebaiknya tidak menyingkat might not menjadi mightn't. Karena hal tersebut tidak umum dipakai, bahkan hampir tidak pernah digunakan.
Contoh kalimat:
Bunga: "I may not call you tonight after dinner."
Bunga said (that) she might not call me that night after dinner.
Bryan: "Everybody may not leave the room when the event is over."
Bryan said (that) everybody might not leave the room when the event was over.
Lilli: "You may not sit here with me even if you want."
Lilli said (that) I might not sit there with her even if I wanted.
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Eva: "You may be my partner in the next practice."
Eva said (that) I might be her partner in the practice later.
Dona: "My car key may be on my desk."
Dona said (that) her car key might be on her desk.
Contoh kalimat:
Eva: "You may not be my partner in the next practice."
Eva said (that) I might not be her partner in the practice later.
Dona: "My car key may not be on my desk."
Dona said (that) her car key might not be on her desk.
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Had to = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari must atau have to.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Andy: "I must drink medicine now."
Andy said (that) he had to drink medicine at that moment.
Teacher: "All students have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony."
The teacher said (that) all students had to wear black shoes during flag ceremony.
Kita tidak menempatkan NOT pada bentuk kalimat tidak langsung negative must atau have to. Kita menempatkan DID NOT sebelum kata have to.
Did not dapat disingkat menjadi didn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Andy: "I must not drink medicine now."
Andy said (that) he didn't have to drink medicine at that moment.
Teacher: "All students don't have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony."
The teacher said (that) all students did not have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony.
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Rika: "I have to be the winner of English speech contest this year."
Rika said (that) she had to be the winner of English speech contest that year.
Albert: "The cinema must be crowded tonight."
Albert said (that) the cinema had to be crowded that night.
Kita tidak menempatkan NOT pada bentuk kalimat tidak langsung negative must atau have to. Kita menempatkan DID NOT sebelum kata have to.
Did not dapat disingkat menjadi didn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Rika: "I have to be the winner of English speech contest this year."
Rika said (that) she didn't have to be the winner of English speech contest that year.
Albert: "The cinema must be crowded tonight."
Albert said (that) the cinema didn't have to be crowded that night.
Baca juga:
Setelah sebelumnya kita membahas indirect speech / reported speech dari berbagai tenses seperti reported speech present tense, reported speech present continuous, reported speech present perfect dan reported speech simple past tense.
Sekarang, sebagai pelengkap pembahasan reported speech, kita akan membahas reported speech dalam bentuk modals.
Indirect speech atau reported speech dapat kita pahami sebagai kalimat tidak langsung. Artinya adalah sebuah kalimat seseorang yang disampaikan kembali oleh kita atau orang lain tanpa mengubah maknanya.
Mengingatkan kembali bahwa kita harus memperhatikan tiga point penting dalam mengubah kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech).
Ketiga point tersebut yang akan menentukan apakah structure kalimat tidak langsung yang kita susun telah benar sesuai aturan serta memastikan maknanya tidak mengalami perubahan.
3 Hal penting dalam menyusun kalimat tidak langsung (indirect / reported speech)
Ketiga hal ini sebenarnya telah dibahas pada pembahasan pertama mengenai reported speech. Meskipun begitu kita tetap akan membahasnya kembali untuk mengingatkan atau mengantisipasi jika ada yang baru saja mengikuti pembahasan materi ini.
Ketiga hal penting dalam menyusun reported speech tersebut adalah:
1. Perubahan bentuk tenses
Tenses adalah bentuk waktu. Jelas sekali tenses yang digunakan pada kalimat langsung (direct speech) akan mengalami perubahan saat kalimat tersebut diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (indirect / reported speech).
Hal tersebut karena tidak mungkin direct speech disampaikan bersamaan dengan reported speech.
Direct speech disampaikan pertama kali baru setelah itu indirect speech / reported speech disampaikan sebagai pengulangan, artinya bahwa reported speech akan disampaikan dalam bentuk past tense karena menyampaikan kembali sebuah kalimat yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya.
2. Personal pronouns
Sama halnya dengan tenses, personal pronouns (kata ganti orang) juga mengalami perubahan.
Kata ganti orang yang digunakan dalam kalimat langsung yang merujuk pada si pembicara, harus tetap merujuk pada si pembicara meskipun telah diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung. Hal tersebut karena jika kata ganti orang merujuk pada orang yang salah makna dari kalimat tidak langsung tersebut juga salah.
Olivia: "I will take my sister to Windi's birthday party."
Pada contoh kalimat di atas, kita dapat menemukan kata ganti orang seperti I dan My yang merujuk pada si pembicara yaitu Olivia.
Saat kita mengubah kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, kata ganti I dan My harus tetap merujuk pada Olivia. Maka kalimat tidak langsung dari contoh kalimat di atas adalah:
Olivia said (that) she would take her sister to Windi's birthday party.
Perlu diingat bahwa kata ganti yang mengalami perubahan adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada si pembicara atau orang yang menjadi object si pembicara seperti you, your, we dan our.
3. Perubahan adverb
Beberapa adverb (kata keterangan) berikut mengalami perubahan pada kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.Kalimat langsung - Kalimat tdk langsung
today - that day
now - then / at that moment
tomorrow - the following day / the next day / a day later
yesterday - the previous day / the day before
last week - the week before / the previous week
last month - the month before / the previous month
last year - the year before / the previous year
next week - the week later / the following week
next month - the month later / the following month
next year - the year later / the following year
here - there
this - that
Cara menyusun kalimat tidak langsung (indirect / reported speech) yang mengandung modals
Modals merupakan salah satu jenis kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verbs).
Dalam kalimat modals sering kali digunakan, oleh karena itu kita tidak boleh melewatkan pembahasan tentang cara menyusun kalimat langsung (reported speech) yang mengandung modals.
Modals yang akan kita bahas dalam bentuk reported speech adal 5 yaitu will, can, may, must dan have to.
Will artinya akan. Will selain sebagai modals juga digunakan dalam bentuk future tense.
Will saat diubah menjadi reported speech akan menjadi would yang artinya sama yaitu akan. Hanya saja would adalah bentuk past dari will.
Verbal positive
Will dapat digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat verbal. Biasanya will akan ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja.Rumus yang digunakan adalah:
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Would = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari will.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Ingrid: "My friend will meet you after he finishes his class."
Ingrid said (that) her friend would meet me after he finished his class.
Loki: "I will resign next month. I hope it is a right decision."
Loki said (that) he would resign the month later. He hoped it was a right decision.
Teacher: "We will visit a museum in Yogyakarta next week."
The teacher said (that) we would visit a museum in Yogyakarta the following week.
Verbal negative
Kalimat verbal negative adalah kalimat yang bermakna penyangkalan. Ciri utama kalimat negative adalah terdapat kata NOT di dalamnya.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + WOULD + NOT + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Would not dapat kita singkat menjadi wouldn't.
Contoh kalimat berikut merupakan contoh kalimat positive di atas yang kita ubah menjadi kalimat negative supaya terlihat perbedaannya.
Ingrid: "My friend will not meet you after he finishes his class."
Ingrid said (that) her friend would not meet me after he finished his class.
Loki: "I won't resign next month. I hope it is a right decision."
Loki said (that) he wouldn't resign the month later. He hoped it was a right decision.
Teacher: "We will not visit a museum in Yogyakarta next week."
The teacher said (that) we would not visit a museum in Yogyakarta the following week.
Nominal positive
Will juga digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat nominal.
Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang tidak memiliki kata kerja. Kalimat nominal biasanya bersifat menerangkan sebuah kondisi, situasi atau keadaan.
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Silvi: "I will be a professional pianist one day because music is my passion."
Silvi said (that) she would be a professional pianist one day because music was her passion.
Ferri: "My new car will be the fastest car in the race."
Ferri said (that) his new car would be the fastest car in the race.
Mom: "Everything will be just fine as long as you do your best."
Mom said (that) Everything would be just fine as long as I did my best."
Nominal negative
Untuk kalimat nominal negative kita hanya perlu menambahkan kata NOT setelah kata would.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + WOULD + NOT + BE + OBJECT
Would not dapat disingkat menjadi wouldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Silvi: "I will not be a professional pianist one day because music is not my passion."
Silvi said (that) she would not be a professional pianist one day because music was not her passion.
Ferri: "My new car won't be the fastest car in the race."
Ferri said (that) his new car wouldn't be the fastest car in the race.
Mom: "Everything will not be just fine if you don't do your best."
Mom said (that) Everything would not be just fine if I didn't do my best.
Can bermakna dapat / bisa. Can merupakan modals yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan capability atau kemampuan. Selain itu can juga digunakan untuk meminta izin dalam bentuk kalimat interrogative, dan berfungsi juga untuk memberikan izin.
Can saat diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung akan berubah menjadi could.
Verbal positive
Saat can digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat tidak langsung verbal positive, rumus yang digunakan adalah:(+) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + COULD + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Could = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari can.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Lisa: "I can make a flower from paper."
Lisa said (that) she could make a flower from paper.
Policeman: "You can take that way to get to your destination."
The policeman said (that) I could take that way to get to my destination.
Haikal: "Can I go to toilet for a minute?"
Haikal said (that) could he go to toilet for a minute?
Verbal negative
Sama halnya seperti kalimat verbal yang lainnya, untuk membentuk kalimat verbal negative kita hanya perlu menambahkan kata NOT setelah modal could.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + COULD + NOT + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Could not dapat kita singkat menjadi couldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Lisa: "I can't make a flower from paper."
Lisa said (that) she couldn't make a flower from paper.
Policeman: "You can't take this way. There is a forbidden sign."
The policeman said (that) I couldn't take that way. There was a forbidden sign.
Teacher: "You can't go to toilet in the middle of explanation."
The teacher said that I couldn't go to toilet in the middle of explanation.
Nominal positive
Saat can digunakan dalam kalimat nominal, maknanya adalah untuk menunjukan sebuah kemungkinan.Kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan can rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Alex: "You can be a good musician if you keep on practicing."
Alex said (that) I could be a good musician if I kept on practicing.
Helmi: "The information we get from Mrs. Salma can be the truth."
Helmi said (that) the information they got from Mrs. Salma could be the truth.
Ane: "My mom can be sad if she hear about this bad news."
Ane said (that) her mom could be sad if she heard about that bad news.
Nominal negative
Tambahkan kata NOT setelah modal could untuk membentuk kalimat negative.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + COULD + NOT + BE + OBJECT
Could not dapat disingkat menjadi couldn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Alex: "You can't be a good musician if you never practice."
Alex said (that) I could not be a good musician if I never practiced.
Helmi: "The information we get from Mrs. Salma can't be the truth."
Helmi said (that) the information they got from Mrs. Salma couldn't be the truth.
Ane: "My mom can't be happy if she hears about this bad news."
Ane said (that) her mom couldn't be happy if she heard about that bad news.
Selanjutnya, perubahan yang terjadi dari kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung pada modals adalah may. May berubah menjadi might saat digunakan pada kalimat tidak langsung.
May dan might keduanya bermakna boleh atau mungkin.
Verbal positive
Untuk kalimat tidak langsung verbal positive kita dapat menggunakan rumus berikut:(+) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + MIGHT + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Might = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari may.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Bunga: "I may call you tonight after dinner."
Bunga said (that) she might call me that night after dinner.
Bryan: "Everybody may leave the room when the event is over."
Bryan said (that) everybody might leave the room when the event was over.
Lilli: "You may sit here with me if you want."
Lilli said (that) I might sit there with her if I wanted.
Verbal negative
Rumus untuk kalimat tidak langung verbal negative menggunakan may adalah:(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + MIGHT + NOT + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Kita sebaiknya tidak menyingkat might not menjadi mightn't. Karena hal tersebut tidak umum dipakai, bahkan hampir tidak pernah digunakan.
Contoh kalimat:
Bunga: "I may not call you tonight after dinner."
Bunga said (that) she might not call me that night after dinner.
Bryan: "Everybody may not leave the room when the event is over."
Bryan said (that) everybody might not leave the room when the event was over.
Lilli: "You may not sit here with me even if you want."
Lilli said (that) I might not sit there with her even if I wanted.
Nominal positive
May juga dapat digunakan pada kalimat nominal. Saat kita ubah kalimat tersebut menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, maka rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:(+) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + COULD + BE + OBJECT
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Eva: "You may be my partner in the next practice."
Eva said (that) I might be her partner in the practice later.
Dona: "My car key may be on my desk."
Dona said (that) her car key might be on her desk.
Nominal negative
Untuk kalimat nominal negative kita hanya perlu menambahkan kata NOT setelah modal yang digunakan.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + MIGHT + NOT + BE + OBJECT
Contoh kalimat:
Eva: "You may not be my partner in the next practice."
Eva said (that) I might not be her partner in the practice later.
Dona: "My car key may not be on my desk."
Dona said (that) her car key might not be on her desk.
Must & have to
Must dan have to artinya harus. Must dan have to akan berubah menjadi had to saat kalimat yang mengandung kata must diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
Must juga digunakan dalam kalimat verbal maupun nominal.
Verbal positive
Berikut rumus yang dapat kita gunakan untuk kalimat verbal positive:(+) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + HAD TO + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Subject = merupakan pelaku, seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu. subject merupakan si pembicara dalam kalimat langsung.
(That) = artinya bahwa. That ditandai dengan () artinya bahwa that dapat ditulis atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
Had to = salah satu jenis modals / kata kerja bantu. Bentuk past dari must atau have to.
Verb 1 = kata kerja bentuk pertama. Setelah modals jika kita harus menempatkan kata kerja maka kata kerja tersebut harus dalam bentuk pertama.
Object = merupakan tujuan atau sasaran. Object juga dapat berupa kata keterangan.
Contoh kalimat:
Andy: "I must drink medicine now."
Andy said (that) he had to drink medicine at that moment.
Teacher: "All students have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony."
The teacher said (that) all students had to wear black shoes during flag ceremony.
Verbal negative
Berikut rumus untuk kalimat verbal negative.(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + DID NOT + HAVE TO + VERB 1 + OBJECT
Kita tidak menempatkan NOT pada bentuk kalimat tidak langsung negative must atau have to. Kita menempatkan DID NOT sebelum kata have to.
Did not dapat disingkat menjadi didn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Andy: "I must not drink medicine now."
Andy said (that) he didn't have to drink medicine at that moment.
Teacher: "All students don't have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony."
The teacher said (that) all students did not have to wear black shoes during flag ceremony.
Nominal positive
Must dan have to juga dapat digunakan dalam kalimat nominal.
Berikut rumus yang dapat kita gunakan saat mengubah kalimat tidak langsung must dan have to bentuk nominal.
Pada kalimat nominal object dapat berupa kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun).
Contoh kalimat:
Rika: "I have to be the winner of English speech contest this year."
Rika said (that) she had to be the winner of English speech contest that year.
Albert: "The cinema must be crowded tonight."
Albert said (that) the cinema had to be crowded that night.
Nominal negative
Berikut rumus yang dapat kita gunakan untuk bentuk kalimat nominal negative:(-) SUBJECT SAID (THAT) SUBJECT + DID NOT + HAVE TO + BE + OBJECT
Kita tidak menempatkan NOT pada bentuk kalimat tidak langsung negative must atau have to. Kita menempatkan DID NOT sebelum kata have to.
Did not dapat disingkat menjadi didn't.
Contoh kalimat:
Rika: "I have to be the winner of English speech contest this year."
Rika said (that) she didn't have to be the winner of English speech contest that year.
Albert: "The cinema must be crowded tonight."
Albert said (that) the cinema didn't have to be crowded that night.
Baca juga:
Soal Reported Speech Will, Can, May, Must & Have to
Soal PG Reported Speech / Direct and Indirect Speech Modals
Itulah penjelasan sederhana tentang reported speech menggunakan modals.
Soal PG Reported Speech / Direct and Indirect Speech Modals
Itulah penjelasan sederhana tentang reported speech menggunakan modals.
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