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Materi Direct and Indirect Speech / Reported Speech (Present Tense - Past Tense) Lengkap

Reported speech atau indirect speech adalah dua hal yang sama yang mungkin kita kenal dalam istilah Bahasa Indonesia sebagai kalimat tidak langsung.
Reproted sendiri berasal dari kata report yang berarti melaporkan atau menyampaikan. Dan itu sekaligus menjelaskan fungsi dari reported speech itu sendiri yaitu untuk menyampaikan kembali kalimat yang diucapkan oleh seseorang.

Sebagai contoh misal Billy mengatakan "I like fired chicken for lunch." lalu beberapa saat kemudian ada seseorang yang bertanya kepada kita apa yang Billy katakan? dan kita menjawab Billy said he liked fried chicken for lunch. Maka itulah yang disebut dengan reported speech atau kalimat tidak langsung.

Kita tidak mengubah kalimat atau makna dari apa yang telah orang lain katakan untuk disampaikan kembali, kita hanya merubah beberapa kata saja yang memang hal tersebut telah diatur.

Untuk lebih jelas tentang bagaimana cara menyusun reported speech perhatikan penjelasan berikut.

Pada saat kita ingin merubah kalimat langsung (reported speech) menjadi kalimat tidak langsung ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan seperti:

1. Perubahan bentuk tenses
Pada postingan kali ini kita tidak akan membahas reported speech dalam bentuk semua tenses, tapi kita akan membahasnya satu persatu untuk tiap postingan.

2. Penggunaan Personal Pronoun
Apabila masih belum memahami tentang jenis-jenis personal pronoun serta fungsinya, silahkan dibuka pada link berikut

3. Perubahan beberapa adverb (kata keterangan) tertentu.
Beberapa contoh perbuahan Adverb dalam reported speech adalah:


Today   -   That day

Now   -   Then / at that moment

Tomorrow   -   The following day / the next day / a day later

Yesterday  -  The previous day / the day before

Last week The week before / the previous week

Last month  -  The month before / the previous month

Last year  -  The year before / the previous year

Next week  -  The week later / the following week

Next month The month later / the following month

Next year  -  The year later / the following year

Here  -  There

This  - That

Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan mencoba membahas cara menyusun reported speech dalam bentuk Present Tense.

Materi Reported Speech (Present Tense - Past Tense) Lengkap

Direct and Indirect Speech / Reported Speech Simple Present Tense menjadi Simple Past Tense

Apabila seseorang mengatakan sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk kalimat langsung menggunakan Simple Present Tense maka kita harus mengubah kalimat tersebut ke dalam bentuk reported speech dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

Berikut rumus lengkap untuk direct and indirect speech / reported speech Simple Past Tense:

Kalimat tidak langsung (Indirect speech) Simple Past Tense verbal

Rumus yang digunakan:



Contoh kalimat:

Surya: "I practice tennis every Saturday afternoon with my dad."
Surya said He practiced tennis every Saturday afternoon with his dad.

Mrs. Lucy: "I water my flowers evey morning."
Mrs. Lucy said she watered her flowers every morning.

Melly: "I usually sit here with Yadi.
Melly said she usually sat there with Yadi.

Carla: "My mom cleans the kitchen twice in a week."
Carla said her mom cleaned the kitchen twice in a week.

Santi: "Sinta and I make a cake for our mom's birthday."
Santi said Sinta and she made a cake for their mom's birthday.

Lisa: "I don't bring my lunch box today."
Lisa said she didn't bring her lunch box that day.

Henry: "My uncle doesn't smoke any cigarette."
Henry said his uncle didn't smoke any cigarette.

Kalimat tidak langusng (Indirect speech) Simple Past Tense nominal

Rumus yang digunakan:



Contoh Kalimat:

Intan and Murni: "We are at Nindy's house today."
Intan and Murni said they were at Nindy's house that day.

Dad: "Mr. Farid is kind to everyone in his neighborhood."
Dad said Mr. Farid was kind to everyone in his neighborhood.

Teacher: "They are ready for the next test."
The teacher said they were ready for the following test.

Eddie: "I am sick today."
Eddie said he was sick that day.

Mr. Reza: "Your note books are on my desk."
Mr. Reza said our note books were on his desk.

Carl: "I am not ready to face Mr. Fernando alone."
Carl said he wasn't ready to face Mr. Fernando alone.

Becky: "The students are not in the classroom."
Becky said the students weren't in the classroom.

Jika penjelasan di atas masih kurang jelas, silahkan simak penjelasannya pada video berikut:

Sekarang mari kita coba beberapa latihan soal berikut untuk memastikan kita telah memahami materi yang telah dijelaskan di atas.


Change the following sentences into reported speech form!

1. Andy: "I never wear a hat at school."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Asti: "I believe Indonesia is one of a greatest country in Asia."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Policeman: "Everybody is panic and they run out of the building."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Arif: "My name is Arif and I live on Jl. Nusantara no 23."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. Rendy: "I have two cats at my house."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. Banu: "I don't know about Mr. Hari's problem."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Governor: "The refugees are starving at the camp."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Dr. Octavius: "We need more foods and waters for all the victims."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. Martin: "I am so glad to hear that everything is under control."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. Security man: "The electricity and water are not available here."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  


1. Andy said (that) he never wore a hat at school.

2. Asti said (that) she believed Indonesia was one of greatest country in Asia.

3. The Policeman said (that) Everybody was panic and they ran out of the building.

4. Arif said (that) his name was Arif and he lived on Jl. Nusantara no 23.

5. Rendy said (that) he had two cats at his house.

6. Banu said (that) he didn't know about Mr. Hari's problem.

7. The Governor said (that) the refugees were starving at the camp.

8. Dr. Octavius said (that) we needed more foods and waters for all the victims.

9. Martin said (that) he was so glad to hear that everything was under control.

10. The Security man said (that) the electricity and water were not available there.

Perlu lebih banyak latihan soal reported speech simple present tense - simple past tense?
cek artikel berikut:

Soal Reported Speech Simple Present Paling Efektif

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