Soal Latihan Taking and Leaving a Telephone Message
Ketika kita bekerja di sebuah perusahaan internasional, atau perusahaan dimana tempat kita bekerja memiliki mitra perusahaan asing dan kita bertugas untuk menerima sebuah panggilan telephone yang masuk, kita sudah harus tahu dengan istilah-istilah atau ungkapan-ungkapan tertentu yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan bisnis lewat telephone.
Pada postingan sebelumnya telah dibahas berbagai macam ungkapan yang paling umum digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan bisnis lewat telepon.
Silahkan cek materi selengkapnya pada link berikut:
Untuk materi yang membahasa tentang ungkapan atau ekspersi, cara terbaik untuk melatih keterampilan tersebut adalah dengan praktik secara langsung karena walau bagaimanapun keterampilan hanya akan menjadi lebih baik pada saat kita sering mempraktikannya.
Latihan berikut ditujukan untuk memperkuat pemahaman kita terhadap teori dari materi Taking and leaving a simple telephone message.
Complete the following dialogue by using the correct expression.Conversation 1
Receptionist: Good morning, R n' R corporation, . . . . . . . . . ?Nisa: Morning, My name is Nisa, . . . . . . . . . Mr. Mark please?
Receptionist: . . . . . . . . . , I will check if he is at the office now.
Nisa: Ok, I will hold the line.
Receptionist: Mrs. Nisa, thank you for waiting, Mr. Mark is having a guest this moment.
. . . . . . . . . ?
Nisa: No, it's ok, I think I will call him back one hour later.
Receptionist: Is there anything else I can help you?
Nisa: No, thank you. bye.
Receptionist: Thanks for calling R n' R corporation, bye.
Conversation 2
Fino: Hello, is this Malvin photo studio?
Receptionist: Yes, this is Malvin photo studio, . . . . . . . . . ?
Fino: I would like to talk to Mr. Malvin please.
Receptionist: ok, . . . . . . . . . ?
Fino: Ok, I'm sorry, My name is Fino.
Receptionist: . . . . . . . . . I'll check if Mr. Malvin is available.
Fino: ok.
Receptionist: Mr. Fino, Mr. Malvin is busy right now, . . . . . . . . . ?
Fino: Yes, Could you please tell him to call me back? My phone number is 08937562.
Receptionist: Alright Mr. Fino, I'll make sure Mr. Malvin gets your message.
Fino: Thank you.
Receptionist: You're welcome.
Arrange the following sentences into correct dialogue and then answer the questions!Operator: Good morning, Minami company, My name is Haruka, what can I do for you?
Mei: Morning, I'm Mei from Green Finance, Could I speak to the HRD manager please?
Operator: Hello, Mrs. Mei, may I help you?
Operator: I'm sorry Mrs. Mei the HRD manager's line is engaged. I think he has a phone call at this moment.
Would you like to leave a message?
(a moment later)
Operator: Ok, is there anything else?
Mei: Hello, this is Mei from Green Finance, I called 2 hours ago.
Mei: Yes, I would like to speak to the HRD manager, is the HRD manager free now?
Operator: I'm sorry Mrs. Mei the HRD manager is having an internal meeting this time, could you call us back 2 hours later?
Operator: Ok, I will deliver your message as soon as possible.
Mei: Ok, thank you for the information
Operator: Thank you for calling Minami company, bye.
(two hours later)
Mei: Yes, could you please tell him the new regulations of employees insurance will be valid next week, for further information he could call me on 0792648.
Mei: No, it's all.
Operator: One moment please, I'll check him.
Mei: Thank you.
Mei: bye.
1. Who answers Mei phone call?
2. Whom does Mei try to call?
3. When does Mei call Minami company?
4. Can Mei contact the HRD manager? why?
5. How many times does Mei try to call the HRD manager?
6. Why does Mei want to contact the HRD manager?
7. "The HRD manager's line is engaged" what does engaged mean?
8. Does Mei leave a message?
9. What is Mei's message?
10. Where does Mei work?
Untuk melatih keterampilan Bahasa Inggris kamu terutama dalam materi Taking and leaving a telephone message, kamu dapat membuat dialog sendiri dan bermain peran seolah-olah kamu sedang melakukan panggilan telepon dalam situasi bisnis.
Semakin sering melakukan latihan, keterampilan Bahasa Inggris mu akan lebih baik.
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Ibarat berbelanja, belilah barang halal di toko atau penjual amanah, bukan dari para penadah barang curian.
Sekian untuk intermezzo ini.
Bonus, Silahkan download soal taking and leaving simple telephone message dalam bentuk pilihan ganda.
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