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Soal Latihan Some dan Any Dalam Berbagai Bentuk Kalimat

Some dan Any merupakan bagian dari quantifiers dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Some dan Any memiliki beberapa fungsi yang berbeda-beda. Penting sekali memahami masing-masing fungsi dari some ataupun any untuk keberhasilan komunikasi kita. Oleh karena itu team DBI telah mempersiapkan beberapa soal latihan some dan any untuk melatih pemahaman kita tentang materi tersebut.

Sebelumnya kita sudah pernah membahas tentang quantifiers secara umum.
Sekarang kita akan memberikan latihan soal tentang "Some & Any".
Tetapi, mari kita review terlebih dahulu materi some dan any.


Some digunakan untuk pernyataan positif, baik itu menggunakan countable maupun uncountable noun.

I have some pets in my house.
(Saya punya beberapa hewan peliharaan di rumah)

Some juga digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah permintaan (request).

Can I have some sugar?
(Bolehkah saya meminta gula?)

Could you give me some water?
(Bisakah kamu memberiku air?)

Kita juga dapat menggunakan some saat kita menawarkan sesuatu.

Would you like some tea?
(Apakah kamu ingin teh?)


Berikut beberapa contoh penggunaan any:
Dalam sebuah kalimat negatif, untuk countable maupun uncountable noun.

I don't have any siblings.
(Aku tidak mempunyai saudara kandung)

Thalia doesn't read any manga.
(Thalia tidak membaca komik manga)

Dalam kalimat tanya

Do you have any pencils?
(Apakah kamu punya pensil?)

Is there any butter?
(Apakah ada mentega?)

Setelah memberikan sedikit penyegaran ingatan tentang materi some and any pada review di atas, mari kita lanjutkan pada soal latihan berikut.

Exercise section (some and any)

Circle or mark the correct answer in the brackets of each sentence

1. There aren't (some / any) jam left for the bread.

2. I need (some / any) chocolate. I want to boost my mood.

3. Ade has bought (some / any) T-shirt online.

4. Do you have (some / any) money?

5. Sarah is looking for (some / any) good book.

6. Ria and Rini see (some / any) animals in the zoo.

7. Would you like (some / any) candies?

8. Andzar took (some / any) pictures on his vacation.

9. Pras gave me (some / any) foods for my pets.

10. I don't have (some / any) partner to celebrate my birthday.

11. Here's (some / any) biscuits for your kids.

12. Dian went to the concert with (some / any) of her friends.

13. Have you got (some / any) children?

14. Zidan doesn't have (some / any) good news to share.

15. I have (some / any) present for you!

Soal Latihan Some dan Any Dalam Berbagai Bentuk Kalimat

16. Kris sent (some / any) postcards from California.

17. (some / any) of my workmates love American soap operas.

18. Can I ask you (some / any) questions?

19. He doesn't have (some / any) manner.

20. Have you got (some / any) news from your daughter?

21. I would like (some / any) snacks now.

22. Lala doesn't own (some / any) novel. She only reads comics.

23. Is there (some / any) pizza in the fridge? I'm hungry.

24. There is (some / any) pepper in the soup.

25. Do you want (some / any) water?

26. Could you give me (some / any) tomato sauce?

27. There isn't (some / any) good programs on TV lately.

28. Mom puts (some / any) fruit in the refrigerator.

29. Wear (some / any) thick clothes! It's cold outside!

30. I can't find (some / any) nice shoes in that online shop.

Kunci jawaban soal latihan some dan any dalam berbagai bentuk kalimat

1. any
2. some
3. some
4. any
5. some

6. some
7. some
8. some
9. some
10. any

11. some
12. some
13. any
14. any
15. some

16. some
17. some
18. some
19. any
20. any

21. some
22. any
23. any
24. some
25. some

26. some
27. any
28. some
29. some
30. any

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