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Simple Present Tense Crossword Puzzle Versi 1 Download PDF

Crossword Puzzle atau permainan teka teki silang yang sudah cukup populer.
Kali ini Dimensi Bahasa Inggris akan share file PDF printable yang bisa di download tentang corssword puzzle dengan tema simple present tense. Seperti judul di atas, simple present tense crossword puzzle versi 1 download file PDF merupakan file PDF yang berisi file latihan simple present tense dalam bentuk crossword puzzle. Penamaan versi 1 sendiri diberikan karena DBI Insya Allah akan share versi yang lainnya yang masih memiliki tema sama yaitu simple present tense.

Crossword puzzle sendiri dapat digunakan untuk menguji penguasaan kita tentang vocabulary atau kosa kata. Selain itu crossword puzzle juga dapat digunakan untuk menguji pemahaman materi yang lain tergantung dari tema atau pertanyaan yang dibuat dalam corssword puzzle itu sendiri.

Berikut preview dari file PDF crossword puzzle simple present tense.

Simple present tense crossword puzzle versi 1 downlaod PDF



1. Students . . . . . . . uniform at school everyday.

4. Indonesia . . . . . . . located in South East Asia.

5. Daryl . . . . . . . takes a bath at 7 every morning.

6. My brother and I . . . . . . . motorcycle to work.

8. He is an arrogant king. He always tells his people to . . . . . . . every time he passes by.

9. They . . . . . . . the reinforcement team.

10. After short commercial break, the show . . . . . . . on.

11. A policeman and a security . . . . . . . the burglar in front of Cafe.

15. What . . . . . . . you need to make boba?

16. Heads up! The road . . . . . . . in front of that hill.

17. The synonym of repossess is . . . . . . .

19. Some students build their . . . . . . . under a huge tree during English camp.


2. The interaction of organisms or community with the environment forms an . . . . . . .

3. A tiger . . . . . . . when it sees its enemy.

7. Sylvi . . . . . . . three times during presentation.

12. Tea and . . . . . . . are best match for tea time in the afternoon.

13. Why does she . . . . . . . his child's hand?

14. Don't give him a ride! He may an . . . . . . . from near local prison.

18. My uncle says today will be gloomy and surely it is.
We can replace the underlined word with . . . . . . .

20. She has many food but she keeps it for herself.
We don't . . . . . . . many food, but it is enough for the entire family.

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4. IS



8. BOW

9. ARE

10. GOES

11. NAB

15. DO


19. TENT






13. GRAB




20. HAVE

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2 comments for "Simple Present Tense Crossword Puzzle Versi 1 Download PDF"

Unknown March 18, 2020 at 12:10 PM Delete Comment
I'm really like it, always "plus ultra" isn't it? I'm waiting for the next
Dimensi Bahasa Inggris March 18, 2020 at 3:00 PM Delete Comment
Thank you for being supportive.
Yes. Go beyond n' Plus ultra!!