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Download Soal PG Simple Future Tense

Selamat datang kembali di Dimensi Bahasa Inggris, semoga semuanya selalu diberikan kesehatan.

Dalam situasi seperti saat ini, mungkin semua orang memiliki pemikiran yang sama yaitu ingin situasi kembali normal seperti sedia kala.

Mungkin banyak juga diantara kita yang sudah berfikir kedepan, menyusun rencana tentang hal yang akan dilakukan jika situasi kembali normal.

Berbicara tentang rencana, kita mungkin pernah belajar menyusun sebuah kalimat untuk menunjukan rencana atau hal-hal yang akan terjadi.

Biasanya kita akan menggunakan simple future tense saat kita akan menceritakan sebuah rencana / hal yang belum terjadi dan masih ada di depan kita.

Postingan kali ini akan menguji sejauh mana pemahaman kita tentang simple future tense, kita sebenarnya telah berlatih tentang simple future tense pada soal simple future tense sebelumnya.

Soal latihan simple future tense kali ini akan diberikan dalam bentuk pilihan ganda / PG.
Tidak usah berlama-lama lagi, berikut soal PG simple future tense selengkapnya.

DBI - Download Soal PG Simple Future Tense

Multiple choice test of simple future tense

Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer

1. I . . . . exercise tomorrow in the park.
a. will
b. would
c. wouldn't
d. am will

2. Leo: I . . . . work next Tuesday, you don't have to wait for me at the bus stop.
Nikki: okay.
a. would
b. wouldn't
c. won't
d. will

3. Backstage man: Get ready, you will perform . . . . contestant no 72.
Me: I'll be ready.
a. after
b. before
c. next
d. later

4. Jimmy: When Spiderman Miles Moralles game will be released?
Donna: I don't know, but the official site says it will be released . . . .
a. before
b. soon
c. after
d. last

5. Howie: I miss school, when will we be back to school actually?
Maggie: I heard we will be back to school after four weeks of quarantine. Starting from this week the first of July.
Howie: You mean . . . . .
Maggie: Yeah.
a. next September
b. next August
c. next year
d. next week

6. It's nice talking with you. But I have to go now, I'll call you . . . .
a. after
b. before
c. next
d. later

7. . . . . the package will arrive at your home. It will be on next Thursday.
a. Next 
b. On Sunday
c. Three days from now
d. Next Monday

8. He will . . . . to the barbershop after work.
a. gone
b. went
c. goes
d. go

9. Tomorrow the earth . . . . at the closest point to the sun, so the temperature . . . . hot.
a. will - will be
b. will be - will be
c. will - will
d. will be - will

10. Mr. Vince . . . . . at his office next Wednesday. He will have a business trip.
a. will not be
b. will be not
c. not will be
d. be not will

11. That dog . . . . bite you if you don't disturb it.
a. will not be
b. will be not
c. won't
d. will

12. Eni: . . . . . Silvia . . . . after school?
Rick: She will do her task in the library.
a. What won't - does
b. What would - do
c. What will - does
d. What will - do

13. Saep: . . . . . the English class . . . . ?
Ubed: It will be at 8:15.
a. When will - started
b. When will - begin
c. Will when - be
d. Will be - when

14. Ellen: . . . . . Siddiq . . . this evening?
Robert: He says he will spending his time in backyard.
a. Where is - in
b. Where will - be
c. When will - be
d. Will when - in

15. Dianna . . . . sad to hear the news but she . . . . cry. She is tough.
a. will be - won't
b. will be - wont be
c. won't - will be
d. won't be - will

16. Dad . . . . . clean the warehouse after having breakfast.
a. will be
b. won't be
c. is going to
d. are going to

17. The geese . . . . . swim on the lake.
a. will be
b. won't be
c. is going to
d. are going to

18. Their team . . . . . the champion this season because this season is our turn to be the one.
a. is not going to
b. is not going to be
c. are not going to
d. are not going to be

19. . . . those men . . . . . push that car?
a. is - going to be
b. is - going to
c. are - going to be
d. are - going to

20. I . . . . . have a job interview tomorrow morning.
a. am going to be
b. am going to
c. am going 
d. am

21. How long . . . he . . . . repair the stairs?
a. is - going to be
b. are - going to be
c. is - going to
d. are - going to

22. The train . . . . . at the station in 15 minutes because they have technical difficulties.
a. is not going to
b. is going to
c. is not going to be
d. is going to be

23. The children . . . . . sleep in the tent, the ballroom is prepared for them.
a. is going to
b. is not going to
c. are going to
d. are not going to

24. Change into English by using will
"Kepada siapa kamu akan menceritakan masalahmu?"
a. Who will you tell your problem?
b. To who will you tell your problem?
c. Whom will you tell your problem to?
d. Whom will be you tell your problem?

25. Change into English by using will
"Kita tidak akan berada di luar terlalu lama"
a. We won't be out there too long.
b. We won't out too long.
c. We will not out here too long.
d. We will not go out too long.

26. Change into English by using will
"Dokter akan memisahkan para pasien berdasarkan kondisinya."
a. Doctor will be divide the patients based on their condition.
b. Doctor will divide the patients based on their condition.
c. Doctor will be separate the patients based on their condition.
d. Doctor will separate the patients based on their condition.

27. Change into English by using be going to
"Dengan siapa kamu akan pergi ke pesta?"
a. Who are you going to go to the party with?
b. Who are you going to go to the party with someone?
c. Who are going to go to the party?
d. Who is going to go to the party?

28. Change into English by using be going to
"Apinya akan membakar semak belukar itu."
a. The fire are going to burn that bushes.
b. The fire is going to burn that bushes.
c. Is the fire going to burn that bushes.
d. The fire is going to be burn that bushes.

29. Change into English by using be going to
"Aku akan berada di sana satu jam kemudian."
a. I am going to there one hour later.
b. I am going to be there one hour later.
c. I was going to be there one hour later.
d. I'm going to go there one hour later.

30. Change into English by using be going to
"Apakah kita tidak akan bertahan?"
a. Are we going to not survive?
b. Are we going to survive?
c. Are we not going to survive?
d. Aren't we going to be survive?


Kunci jawaban soal PG simple future tense

Multiple choice test of simple future tense

1. a. will
2. c. won't
3. a. after
4. b. soon
5. b. next August

6. d. later
7. c. Three days from now
8. d. go
9. b. will be - will be
10. a. will not be

11. c. won't
12. d. What will - do
13. b. When will - begin
14. b. Where will - be
15. a. will be - won't

16. c. is going to
17. d. are going to
18. b. is not going to be
19. d. are - going to
20. b. am going to

21. c. is - going to
22. c. is not going to be
23. d. are not going to
24. c. Whom will you tell your problem to?
25. a. We won't be out there too long.

26. d. Doctor will separate the patients based on their condition.
27. a. Who are you going to go to the party with?
28. b. The fire is going to burn that bushes.
29. b. I am going to be there one hour later.
30. c. Are we not going to survive?

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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
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