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Soal Latihan Conjunction So, So that, Therefore, Because, But dan Although

Conjunction atau konjungsi (kata penghubung) adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam sebuah bahasa.
Dengan memahami fungsi kata penghubung akan membuat penggunaan bahasa kita menjadi lebih baik, kalimat yang kita buat akan lebih mudah dipahami, bermakna dan point dari kalimat tersebut akan tersampaikan dengan baik.

Penjelasan tentang Conjunction dapat diakses pada link berikut:

Cause and Effect: Penggunaan, Fungsi dan Contohnya

Setelah mempelajari materi tentang Conjunction, supaya memperkuat pemahaman kita tentang materi tersebut, berikut telah disediakan beberapa bentuk soal latihan untuk membantu mengasah pemahaman kita tentang materi Conjunction showing cause and effect serta Conjuction showing opposition. 

Selamat berlatih.

DBI | Soal Latihan Conjuction So, So that, Therefore, Because, But dan Although

Test 1 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

Fill in the blank by using conjunction of Cause and Effect: So, So That or Because!

1. I always exercise regularly . . . . . . I rarely get sick.

2. He can't run more than 5 KM . . . . . . . he's getting older.

3. Dhaniar always feels hungry . . . . . she brings snacks in her bag.

4. Linda takes medicine  . . . . . . . she doesn't feel well.

5. Dad goes to work early . . . . . . . he has meeting at 8 a.m.

6. Sari saves her money tightly . . . . . she can buy shoes that she wants.

7. Nania collapsed . . . . . . . she worked out too hard.

8. . . . . . . . . my phone is broken, everyone can't get in touch with me.

9. The meeting was so boring . . . . . . . some of the participants left early.

10. Lisa can't buy any snack at rest time . . . . . she lost her wallet.

Test 2 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

Fill in the blank by using conjunction opposition "but" or "although"!

1. It is dark outside, . . . . . . I can see someone walks far away.

2. The stone is heavy, . . . . . . . he can lift it easily.

3. Her house is comfortable, . . . . . . . . it's small and many people live in it.

4. Sony wears jacket, . . . . . . . it's hot today.

5. Fitri is short, . . . . . . . . she's fashionable.

6. . . . . . . . . Ramdan is famous now, he is still down to earth.

7. I'm hungry, . . . . . . . I got nothing to eat.

8. Mom came to my sister's house, . . . . . . . she wasn't there.

9. She eats the foods, . . . . . . . . it doesn't fit to her taste.

10. Rinda accompanies her children to water park . . . . . . . . . she's busy.

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Ibarat berbelanja, belilah barang halal di toko atau penjual amanah, bukan dari para penadah barang curian.
Sekian untuk intermezzo ini.

Test 3 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

Complete the sentence with conjunction Therefore or Although!

1. My room is messy . . . . . . Mom asks me to clean it up. 

2. . . . . . . I take Math course, it's still difficult for me.

3. It's wet season . . . . . . . we must take umbrella everyday.

4. Andi likes football very much . . . . . . . he wants to be an athlete.

5. She came to my party . . . . . . . she was sick that night.

6. Reno uses an old computer ..... he can't work fast.

7. Dinda is 9th grader now ..... she studies harder.

8. ....... she's pregnant, she still works hard.

9. ....... you are my friend, I can't let you use my cell phone.

10. I come late to school ....... I am punished.

Test 4 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

Continue the following clauses with your own words!

1. We have to be hurry so that . . . . . . . . . .

2. The baby cries because . . . . . . . . . .

3. Mitha is beautiful but . . . . . . . . . .

4. We can see her amazing talent although . . . . . . . . . .

5. His house is too big for him, therefore . . . . . . . . . .

6. Taylor Swift really loves her fans all over the world, therefore . . . . . . . . . .

7. Lana eats well but . . . . . . . . . .

8. Because it's winter, . . . . . . . . . .

9. My uncle's family live in countryside, so . . . . . . . . . .

10. The WIFI is not connected because . . . . . . . . . .


Kunci jawaban soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

Berikut kunci jawaban untuk soal latihan conjunction cause and effect di atas.

Test 1 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

1. so that
(kalimat ke 2 / effect tidak terjadi sesaat setelah kalimat ke 1 / cause dilakukan atau effect nya adalah sesuatu yg masih belum tentu terjadi, jadi menggunakan conjunction so that)

2. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan effect nya dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan cause nya, maka conjunction yg digunakan adalah because)

3. so
(kalimat ke 2 / effect terjadi secara beruntutan setelah kalimat ke 1 / cause terjadi. Saat kita merasa lapar maka yg terjadi selanjutnya adalah makan atau dalam kalimat ini membawa makanan jadi menggunakan conjunction so)

4. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan effect nya dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan cause nya, pola kalimat yg menuliskan effect di awal lalu cause diakhir biasanya menggunakan conjunction because)

5. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan effect nya dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan cause nya, pola kalimat yg menuliskan effect di awal lalu cause diakhir biasanya menggunakan conjunction because)

6. so that
(kalimat ke 2 / effect tidak terjadi sesaat setelah kalimat ke 1 / cause dilakukan atau effect nya adalah sesuatu yg masih belum tentu terjadi, jadi menggunakan conjunction so that)

7. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan effect nya Nania pingsan dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan cause nya, yaitu penyebab Nania pingsan adalah karena dia bekerja terlalu keras. Maka conjunction yg digunakan adalah because)

8. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan penyebabnya; ponselku rusak dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan akibatnya; semua orang tidak bisa menghubungiku. Maka conjunction yg digunakan adalah because)

9. so
(kalimat ke 2 / effect terjadi secara beruntutan setelah kalimat ke 1 / cause terjadi. Rapatnya membosankan (penyebab) maka yg terjadi selanjutnya adalah beberapa peserta pergi (akibat) jadi menggunakan conjunction so)

10. because
(kalimat ke 1 merupakan akibatnya; Lisa tidak bisa membeli snack dan kalimat ke 2 merupakan akibatnya; dia kehilangan dompetnya Maka conjunction yg digunakan adalah because)

Test 2 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

1. but

2. but

3. although

4. although

5. but

6. although

7. but

8. but

9. although

10. although

Test 3 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

1. therefore

2. although

3. therefore

4. therefore

5. although

6. therefore

7. therefore

8. although

9. although

10. therefore

Test 4 soal latihan conjunction so, so that, therefore, because, but dan although

1. *example:
we will get the front seat.

2. *example:
he is hungry.

3. *example:
she is cruel.

4. *example:
her leg is injured.

5. *example:
he sells that house and buy a smaller house.

6. *example:
she makes world tour concert.

7. *example:
she never gets fat.

8. *example:
everyone wears winter clothes.

9. *example:
they don't have a stable internet connection.

10. *example:
they don't pay the bill yet.

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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."

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