Soal PG Bargaining
Berbelanja merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang menyenangkan. Akan tetapi meskipun demikian terlalu sering belanja justru dianggap sebagai hal yang kurang baik.
Ada beberapa orang yang menganggap kepuasan berbelanja adalah saat berhasil menawar harga untuk barang yang ingin dibeli.
Hal tersebut memang benar, karena disamping dianggap sebagai salah satu bentuk kepuasan saat berbelanja, menawar harga juga salah satu cara untuk menghemat anggaran belanja itu sendiri.
Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa bentuk ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam proses tawar menawar. Ungkapan yang diberikan tidak hanya bentuk ungkapan menawar saja, tapi keseluruhan dari bentuk ungkapan yang memang sering digunakan dalam proses transaksi jual beli. Semua ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut telah dibahas pada postingan berjudul materi bargaining (tawar-menawar).
Menguasai expressions of bargaining atau ungkapan bargaining / tawar-menawar akan sangat membantu kelancaran komunikasi Bahasa Inggris kita terutama saat melakukan transaksi.
Pada sesi ini kita akan berlatih pemahaman tentang penggunaan ungkapan bargaining / tawar-menawar melalui berbagai macam bentuk contoh dialog yang diberikan.
Soal yang diberikan dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dilengkapi kunci jawaban dan dapat di download secara gratis dalam bentuk file PDF.
Berikut soal pg bargaining selengkapnya.

Multiple choice test (expressions of bargaining)
Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.1. Complete dialogue below.
Shop clerk: Excuse me Ma'am can I help you?
Linda: Yes. . . . . . 1 kilogram of grapes.
Shop clerk: It's over there ma'am, next to vegetables counter.
Linda: Thank you.
a. What is the price of
b. How much does it cost?
c. I want to buy
d. Is there any discount for
2. Complete dialogue below.
Kenji: . . . . . . .
Seller: It's $.2 each. But if you buy 3 you can have it for $.5 only.
a. Do you sell any masks?
b. How much does it cost?
c. How about $.1 for each?
d. Is there any discount?
3. Complete dialogue below.
Shop assistant: Welcome to our store. What can I do for you?
Customer: . . . . . . hair dryer and some cosmetic items.
Shop assistant: Sure. follow me.
a. I want to sell
b. Where is cosmetic counter?
c. What's the price of
d. I'm looking for
4. Complete dialogue below.
Buyer: How much is this?
Seller: It's $.2.25.
Buyer: . . . . . . . $.2?
Seller: I'm sorry, it's fixed price.
a. Can you make it
b. How much does it cost
c. What is the price of
d. Is there any discount
5. Customer: Excuse me how much is the price of that sun glasses?
Seller: It's nine, twenty-five.
a. $.9 ¢.25
b. $.25.9
c. $.9.25
d. 9,25
6. Complete dialogue below.
Ariana: Excuse me, I want to buy a lamp.
Clerk: Here you are. It's Rp. 38.000,-
Ariana: . . . . . . .
Clerk: Sure. You can keep it for Rp. 30.000,-
Ariana: Thanks.
a. Can I get a discount?
b. How about Rp. 8.000,- off?
c. What about 50% off?
d. Can you make it Rp. 30.000,- off?
7. Complete dialogue below.
Salesclerk: Hi, can I help you?
Customer: Ya, . . . . .
Salesclerk: What's the size do you need?We have A4 and F4.
Customer: A4 please.
Salesclerk: anything else?
Customer: Do you sell any super glue?
Salesclerk: Sure. How much do you need?
Customer: One.
Salesclerk: Ok, here you are.
Customer: . . . . . . . of each item?
Salesclerk: It's Rp. 40.000,- for the paper. And Rp. 15. 000,- for the super glue.
a. Do you sell any paper - What about 10% off
b. I want to buy a piece of paper - How much does it cost
c. I need a pack of papers - Can I get discount
d. I need a pack of papers - What's the price
8. Complete dialogue below.
Rosi: Excuse me, is there any brown sugar?
Santi: Sure. How much do you need?
Rosi: . . . . . . .
Santi: It's Rp. 15.000 / Kg.
Rosi: I need 1,5 Kg. . . . . . . .
Santi: I'm sorry. it's fixed price.
a. I need 1,5 Kg please. - That would be a total of Rp. 22.500,-
b. What is the price of that brown sugar per kilogram? - I want to buy it.
c. How much does it cost per kilogram? - How about Rp. 12.000 / Kg?
d. How much is it per kilogram? - Can I get bonus?
9. Customer: . . . . . . .
Seller: It is twenty-five, fifty.
Customer: I'll take it.
a. It's fixed price.
b. I'm looking for wedges.
c. What's the price of this wedges?
d. What about 25% off?
10. Complete dialogue below.
Daryl: Excuse me, do you sell DBI book? I went to and the information on the web tells me to go to this store.
Shop clerk: Yes, we sell that book.
Daryl: How much is it?
Shop clerk: It's $.25.
Daryl: . . . . . .
Shop clerk: Of course. If you have card member you can get 15% off.
Daryl: Yes I have.
a. Is it fixed price?
b. It's too expensive.
c. Is there any discount?
d. I want to get membership.
Kunci jawaban soal pg bargaining
Silahkan cek kunci jawaban soal piliha ganda materi bargaining berikut untuk memastikan jawaban sudah benar.1. c. I want to buy
2. b. How much does it cost?
3. d. I'm looking for
4. a. Can you make it
5. c. $.9.25
6. b. How about Rp. 8.000,- off?
7. d. I need a pack of papers - What's the price
8. c. How much does it cost per kilogram? - How about Rp. 12.000 / Kg?
9. c. What's the price of this wedges?
10. c. Is there any discount?
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