Soal PG Application Letter Download Free PDF
Semua orang pasti setuju bahwa mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan zaman sekarang adalah sesuatu yang sangat sulit.
Dan akan menjadi hal yang lebih sulit lagi jika kita tidak dibekali dengan pengetahuan atau keterampilan dalam mencari pekerjaan tersebut.
Salah satu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh para pencari kerja ataupun siswa siswi yang masih sedang belajar saat ini adalah job application letter atau surat lamaran pekerjaan.
Ini akan menjadi bekal sebelum menghadapi dunia kerja suatu saat nanti.
Sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengecek apakah kita sudah memahami tentang job application letter adalah dengan mengerjakan soal latihan tentang job application letter.
Soal latihan job application letter kali ini dalam bentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 nomor dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.
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Multiple choice test
Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answerRead the text below to answer question no 1 to 5
Kenji Misaki
730-0055 | 2-45 Minamisendanishimachi | Naka | Hiroshima
Hiroshi Kinomoto
Recruitment Division
Sugoi Magazine
648 yakushi, nishinotoin-nijo, nakagyo, Kyoto
Dear Mr. Kinomoto,
With due respect and honor to state that I am highly interested in your open position of in-house editor and would like to apply for this vacancy. My experience includes deep knowledge in the sphere of journalism as well as excellent skills in creative writing and editing. Also, I am a rabid reader of your magazine. I am ready to learn new things as well as to accept criticism and improve my skills. I am also communicative, social and creative.
I believe that I can provide your magazine with a high quality work, and I can guide writers, correct their mistakes, and organize the article in such a way that it would call interest to the quality of the content.
I would greatly appreciate your acceptance of my candidature. You can contact me by phone or by email at any time. You can find additional information about me in my resume. I hope to receive a reply from you soon. Thank you.
Best regards,
Kenji Misaki
adapted from: Ask For Technical Help
1. What kind of company does the applicant apply?
a. tabloid
b. newspaper
c. printing company
d. print media publisher
2. What strong point does the applicant have?
a. typing skill
b. journalism
c. broadcasting
d. critic
3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The applicant's experience.
b. The applicant's organizing skill.
c. The applicant qualification in editing content.
d. The applicant's writing skill.
4. Why does the applicant attach a resume?
a. To get job interview opportunity.
b. To get the job.
c. To give more personal information.
d. To give detail information about the company.
5. What paragraph does tell you about the applicant's qualifications?
a. first paragraph
b. second paragraph
c. third paragraph
d. fourth paragraph
Read the text below to answer question no 6 to 10
Oong Baek
23/6 Moo 8, Soi Wattana Rachaprarop Road |Bankapi Bangkok 10600 | Thailand
October 7, 2020
Pijay Kumar
HRD Manager
Ladusingh Finance
Green Agro Care Feed
27, Dilkusa, B/A, 8th Floor,
Room no. 207, Motejheel, Dhaka-1000
Sub: Application for security
Dear Mr. Kumar,
In response to your advertisement dated 5th October 2020 "The Daily Bangladesh Protidin" in your company. I would like to response for the position as a security.
I have a qualification of Thai boxing and Jiu jitsu as the requirement of the job position advertised.
So I have enclosed herewith my resume and other documents for your kind consideration.
I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to appoint me this position as a security.
Your faithfully,
Oong Baek
modified from: TechPion
6. Who is Mr. Kumar based on the text above?
a. The owner of the company
b. The applicant
c. Human resources manager
d. The manager of the company
7. How did the applicant know about job vacancy?
a. The applicant searched the job vacancy on the internet.
b. The applicant knew from newspaper.
c. The applicant knew from company's website.
d. The applicant knew the job vacancy from TV.
8. What is the enclosure of the letter above?
a. resume and other documents
b. resume and martial arts certificate
c. Your faithfully,
d. resume and CV
9. What is the demerit you can find in the job application letter above?
a. The job application letter is not long enough.
b. The applicant doesn't have suitable qualifications for the job.
c. There's no detail information about applicant's phone number or e-mail.
d. The applicant didn't promote himself by mentioning more skills and qualifications.
10. What does the last paragraph tell you about?
a. The applicant's personal information.
b. The applicant's skills or qualifications.
c. The applicant's hope of getting a job.
d. The applicant's hope for interview test.
Read the text below to answer question no 11 to 15
Margaret Roan
22 Onyx Street | Newport, 907 North 742 West North Logan, UT 84341 | 575-683-50971
Newport, 23rd October 2020
Mohammed Saleh
Human Resources Manager
Veggies to Go
238 Main Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Dear Mr. Saleh,
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Roan
adapted from: Maria Laura Mammoli
11. When does the writer write the letter?
a. available for next week
b. 23rd October 2020
c. 22 Onyx Street
d. 238 Main Street
12. What is the applicant's educational background?
a. Senior high school
b. Poetry
c. Europe University
d. Literature
13. What was the applicant's job earlier?
a. Human resources manager
b. Editorial assistant
c. Editor of student magazine
d. Research assistant
14. The following are applicant's skills, except.
a. Story editing
b. Fluent English communication
c. Editing techniques
d. Writing
15. How can human resources manager get the detail information about the applicant?
a. By interviewing the applicant.
b. By reading the applicant's e-mail.
c. By checking the CV.
d. By calling the applicant.
Read the text below to answer question no 15 to 20
Rodriguez El-Toro
HR Manager
Cerato Park
Indominus Avenue 01
6783 Isla Nublar, C.R.
Dear Mr. El-Toro,
Your sincerely,
Nizar Luthfi
16. Why is the applicant interested to apply the job?
a. Because he doesn't a job yet.
b. Because he in interested in giant lizard.
c. Because he has suitable qualifications for the job.
d. Because he graduated as a zoologist.
17. Where is the job vacancy advertised?
a. On
b. On the social media
c. On
d. On a print media
18. What makes Nizar a good candidate for the job?
a. He has experience in taming a giant lizard and other wild animals.
b. He is a zoologist and certified as a lizard specialist with 6 years of experience.
c. He has knowledge about gigantic lizard.
d. He had ever been in Komodo Island.
19. What does the applicant write in paragraph two?
a. His hope for a job interview.
b. His reason for applying the job.
c. His educational background.
d. His skills and specialty.
20. "I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you."
The underlined word has same meaning with . . . . .
a. thoughtfulness
b. inconsideration
c. thoughtlessness
d. inconsiderateness
Baca juga: Download Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Letter
1. d. print media publisher
2. b. journalism
3. c. The applicant qualification in editing content.
4. c. To give more personal information.
5. a. first paragraph
6. c. Human resources manager
7. b. The applicant knew from newspaper.
8. a. resume and other documents
9. d. The applicant didn't promote himself by mentioning more skills and qualifications.
10. c. The applicant's hope of getting a job.
11. b. 23rd October 2020
12. d. Literature
13. d. Research assistant
14. a. Story editing
15. c. By checking the CV.
16. c. Because he has suitable qualifications for the job.
17. c. On
18. b. He is a zoologist and certified as a lizard specialist with 6 years of experience.
19. d. His skills and specialty.
20. a. thoughtfulness
Mohammed Saleh
Human Resources Manager
Veggies to Go
238 Main Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Dear Mr. Saleh,
I am writing to apply for the position of Editorial Assistant which was advertised in the latest edition of Gulf News.
I am currently employed by a Market Research company as a research assistant, but am keen to pursue a career in publishing, because I enjoy reading and write my own poetry.
As you will notice on the attached CV, I graduated in European Literature. At University I gained considerable experience working in the student magazine, so I am familiar with editing techniques.
I work well under pressure and enjoy working in a team. In addition, I speak English fluently. I would be available for interview from next week. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Roan
adapted from: Maria Laura Mammoli
11. When does the writer write the letter?
a. available for next week
b. 23rd October 2020
c. 22 Onyx Street
d. 238 Main Street
12. What is the applicant's educational background?
a. Senior high school
b. Poetry
c. Europe University
d. Literature
13. What was the applicant's job earlier?
a. Human resources manager
b. Editorial assistant
c. Editor of student magazine
d. Research assistant
14. The following are applicant's skills, except.
a. Story editing
b. Fluent English communication
c. Editing techniques
d. Writing
15. How can human resources manager get the detail information about the applicant?
a. By interviewing the applicant.
b. By reading the applicant's e-mail.
c. By checking the CV.
d. By calling the applicant.
Read the text below to answer question no 15 to 20
Nizar Luthfi
Cijerah AV, New Cliff, KL 46182 - Tasikmalaya | (0265) 987654 |
Rodriguez El-Toro
HR Manager
Cerato Park
Indominus Avenue 01
6783 Isla Nublar, C.R.
Dear Mr. El-Toro,
I am very interesting in applying for the Gigantic Lizard Keeper position as you advertised on recently. My educational background is zoologist and I am certified lizard specialist.
I have 6 years of experience as a zoo keeper and lizard specialist in New York Zoo.
I also gained more experience of a gigantic lizard tamer during my internship in the Komodo Island.
My experiences and qualifications will match your required job specifications. Kindly find attached my application documents resume and cover letter for your reference.
It would be a pleasure to discuss this exciting opportunity with you. You can find my contact details above to schedule an interview at your convenience.
I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
Your sincerely,
Nizar Luthfi
16. Why is the applicant interested to apply the job?
a. Because he doesn't a job yet.
b. Because he in interested in giant lizard.
c. Because he has suitable qualifications for the job.
d. Because he graduated as a zoologist.
17. Where is the job vacancy advertised?
a. On
b. On the social media
c. On
d. On a print media
18. What makes Nizar a good candidate for the job?
a. He has experience in taming a giant lizard and other wild animals.
b. He is a zoologist and certified as a lizard specialist with 6 years of experience.
c. He has knowledge about gigantic lizard.
d. He had ever been in Komodo Island.
19. What does the applicant write in paragraph two?
a. His hope for a job interview.
b. His reason for applying the job.
c. His educational background.
d. His skills and specialty.
20. "I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you."
The underlined word has same meaning with . . . . .
a. thoughtfulness
b. inconsideration
c. thoughtlessness
d. inconsiderateness
Baca juga: Download Soal Pilihan Ganda Personal Letter
Answer key
Berikut kunci jawaban untuk soal PG application letter download free PDF di atas.1. d. print media publisher
2. b. journalism
3. c. The applicant qualification in editing content.
4. c. To give more personal information.
5. a. first paragraph
6. c. Human resources manager
7. b. The applicant knew from newspaper.
8. a. resume and other documents
9. d. The applicant didn't promote himself by mentioning more skills and qualifications.
10. c. The applicant's hope of getting a job.
11. b. 23rd October 2020
12. d. Literature
13. d. Research assistant
14. a. Story editing
15. c. By checking the CV.
16. c. Because he has suitable qualifications for the job.
17. c. On
18. b. He is a zoologist and certified as a lizard specialist with 6 years of experience.
19. d. His skills and specialty.
20. a. thoughtfulness
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