Download Soal PG Personal Letter dan Jawaban Free PDF
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1. The correct form to write a heading of a personal letter is . . . . .
a. Hello my beloved friend;
b. Hi friend
c. Dear old friend,
d. Dear Sofia.
2. The following are the main part of a personal letter, except!
a. Complimentary Close
b. Postscript
c. Signature
d. Body
3. The parts of a personal letter:
1. Complimentary Close
2. Greeting
3. Body
4. Postscript
5. Signature
6. Heading
The correct order of a personal letter is . . . . .
a. 6 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 1
b. 6 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 4
c. 2 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 1 - 5
d. 4 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 5
4. The example of complimentary close is . . . . .
a. Your childhood friend,
b. Hello old friend,
c. Thanks for always supporting me.
d. P.S.: I love you
5. What kind of information can we find on a signature of personal letter?
a. The receiver's identity.
b. The credential of the letter.
c. The writer's identity.
d. The authenticity of the letter.
Read the personal letter below to answer the question no 6 - 11.
Cizerland 22, New Cliff
KL 46182 - Sunda PVCE
February 22, 2022
Dear Daryl,
Please respond my letter, I do need you.
6. Why doesn't Dessy call Daryl?
a. Because Dessy has already sent a letter.
b. Because Dessy left Daryl without any reason.
c. Because Dessy feels guilty toward Daryl.
d. Because Dessy choose her friend over Daryl.
7. What kind of relationship do Dessy and Daryl have?
a. Classmate.
b. Sibling.
c. Close friend.
d. Soulmate.
8. Why does Dessy prefer to be quiet?
a. Because Dessy is a talkative.
b. Because Dessy feels lost after Daryl left.
c. Because Dessy prefers to be alone.
d. Because Dessy is an introvert person.
9. The following informations are correct based on the letter above, except.
a. Dessy lost her mom in an accident.
b. Daryl is a good friend.
c. Dessy and Daryl studied at the same school.
d. Dessy is sad because Daryl moved.
10. What would Daryl probably do after reading the letter?
a. He would ignore Dessy.
b. He would encourage Dessy.
c. He wouldn't forgive Dessy.
d. He would apologize to Dessy.
11. From the letter above we can conclude that . . . . .
a. Daryl encourages Dessy when Dessy feels lost.
b. Dessy met Daryl before he left.
c. Daryl left Dessy without saying goodbye.
d. Dessy needs Daryl because she has hard times.
Read the following personal letter to answer the question no 12 - 15.
Jl. Merdeka no 43
Indihiang - Tasikmalaya
27 October 2020
Hi Zellin,
Can't wait to see you there.
P.S.: I'll bring you your favorite snack.
12. Who is Zellin on the letter above?
a. The addressee of the letter.
b. The writer of the letter.
c. The sender of the letter.
d. The deliverer of the letter.
13. What makes Tiara so happy?
a. She gets a prize.
b. She wins a competition.
c. She will get a letter from Tiara.
d. She will visit Tiara.
14. What condition does Tiara's dad ask if Tiara wants to come with her dad?
a. Tiara should join the seminar.
b. Tiara should wait at hotel during the seminar.
c. Tiara should go anywhere when seminar begins.
d. Tiara should join dad's business trip.
15. How far is Tiara's house from the hotel?
a. Not too far away.
b. One kilometer away.
c. Sixteen minutes away.
d. sixty minutes away.
Read the personal letter below to answer the question no 16 - 20.
Jl. Cikeleng no. 55
Arjasari - Singaparna
June 9th, 2023
Hi Penpal,
I hope we can meet someday.
When it happens it will be a great day for me.
Best wishes,
16. When is the letter composed?
a. After June 9th, 2023.
b. For 2023
c. On 19th of June.
d. In June.
17. Where does Andrea live?
a. Out of town.
b. Near the sea.
c. Abroad.
d. At countryside.
18. How do Ardiansyah and Andrea maintain their relationship?
a. By chatting regularly.
b. By meeting once a month.
c. By sending a letter each other.
d. By trusting each other.
19. What is the main point of the letter above?
a. Ardiansyah wants to meet Andrea.
b. Andrea is the only friend of Ardiansyah's.
c. Ardiansyah is grateful for having a valuable friend like Andrea.
d. Ardiansyah is sad because he can't reach his friends.
20. "most of them are unreachable."
Paragraph three.
The underlined word has same meaning with . . . . .
a. Reachable.
b. Unable to be contacted.
c. Accessible.
d. Easy to communicate with.
Baca juga: Download Soal PG Application Letter Free PDF
Berikut kunci jawaban soal PG personal letter dan jawaban.
1. c. Dear old friend,
2. b. Postscript
3. b. 6 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 4
4. a. Your childhood friend,
5. c. The writer's identity.
6. c. Because Dessy feels guilty toward Daryl.
7. c. Close friend.
8. b. Because Dessy feels lost after Daryl left.
9. a. Dessy lost her mom in an accident.
10. b. He would encourage Dessy.
11. d. Dessy needs Daryl because she has hard times.
12. a. The addressee of the letter.
13. d. She will visit Tiara.
14. b. Tiara should wait at hotel during the seminar.
15. d. sixty minutes away.
16. d. In June.
17. c. Abroad.
18. c. By sending a letter each other.
19. c. Ardiansyah is grateful for having a valuable friend like Andrea.
20. b. b. Unable to be contacted.
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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
Jika kita pernah melihat dalam adegan film dimana salah satu karakter menyampaikan pesan apalagi jika pesan tersebut menyangkut perasaan, rasanya menggunakan surat terkesan lebih tulus dan romantis. Padahal chat ataupun e-mail fungsinya juga sama untuk menyampaikan pesan, tapi entah mengapa surat rasanya lebih berbeda.
Pada postingan kali ini kita tidak akan membahas materi personal letter atau surat pribadi, karena kita telah membahasnya pada postingan sebelumnya.
Kali ini kita akan berlatih atau sekedar merefresh kembali ingatan tentang materi personal letter lewat soal latihan personal letter dalam bentuk pilihan ganda berikut.

Multiple choice test of personal letter
Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.1. The correct form to write a heading of a personal letter is . . . . .
a. Hello my beloved friend;
b. Hi friend
c. Dear old friend,
d. Dear Sofia.
2. The following are the main part of a personal letter, except!
a. Complimentary Close
b. Postscript
c. Signature
d. Body
3. The parts of a personal letter:
1. Complimentary Close
2. Greeting
3. Body
4. Postscript
5. Signature
6. Heading
The correct order of a personal letter is . . . . .
a. 6 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 1
b. 6 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 4
c. 2 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 1 - 5
d. 4 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 5
4. The example of complimentary close is . . . . .
a. Your childhood friend,
b. Hello old friend,
c. Thanks for always supporting me.
d. P.S.: I love you
5. What kind of information can we find on a signature of personal letter?
a. The receiver's identity.
b. The credential of the letter.
c. The writer's identity.
d. The authenticity of the letter.
Read the personal letter below to answer the question no 6 - 11.
Cizerland 22, New Cliff
KL 46182 - Sunda PVCE
February 22, 2022
Dear Daryl,
I know that I can just call you when I want to talk, but I just get frozen and my lips can't say a word everytime I try to talk to you on the phone.
So I choose this letter because it gives me some times to muse before I talk.
Since you left I don't make any friend yet, in fact I don't even talk to people unless I need to. I choose to be alone, and just go straight to home after school is over. You know I used to be a talkative. But now everything is different.
There's something I want to talk to you. But before I start, I want to apologize. This guilt inside of me that makes me remain silence. I never met you that day when you left.
You know, it's not because I didn't want to.
It's because I didn't want to say goodbye. I wasn't ready. But now I realize I can't hold you. You have rights to choose what you want in your life. So, I am sorry.
I have hard times in this past couple of weeks. I lost my sister. She got an accident when she was on the way home from school. After loosing my sister my mom gets sick because she often skips her meals. She has a great grief.
I try to hold on to this situation but sometimes I can't hold. I need you, I need someone to talk to, I need a friend to strengthen me.
Sometimes I cry alone at my room and wishing you were here.
Please respond my letter, I do need you.
6. Why doesn't Dessy call Daryl?
a. Because Dessy has already sent a letter.
b. Because Dessy left Daryl without any reason.
c. Because Dessy feels guilty toward Daryl.
d. Because Dessy choose her friend over Daryl.
7. What kind of relationship do Dessy and Daryl have?
a. Classmate.
b. Sibling.
c. Close friend.
d. Soulmate.
8. Why does Dessy prefer to be quiet?
a. Because Dessy is a talkative.
b. Because Dessy feels lost after Daryl left.
c. Because Dessy prefers to be alone.
d. Because Dessy is an introvert person.
9. The following informations are correct based on the letter above, except.
a. Dessy lost her mom in an accident.
b. Daryl is a good friend.
c. Dessy and Daryl studied at the same school.
d. Dessy is sad because Daryl moved.
10. What would Daryl probably do after reading the letter?
a. He would ignore Dessy.
b. He would encourage Dessy.
c. He wouldn't forgive Dessy.
d. He would apologize to Dessy.
11. From the letter above we can conclude that . . . . .
a. Daryl encourages Dessy when Dessy feels lost.
b. Dessy met Daryl before he left.
c. Daryl left Dessy without saying goodbye.
d. Dessy needs Daryl because she has hard times.
Read the following personal letter to answer the question no 12 - 15.
Jl. Merdeka no 43
Indihiang - Tasikmalaya
27 October 2020
Hi Zellin,
Where should I start this letter from? Oh ok, let's start with my feeling.
Maybe words can't describe how happy I am today when I'm writing this letter for you.
Well I don't get any prize nor win the competition. This good feeling comes from a good news from my dad.
Last night dad told me that he will have a business trip next week on the next Tuesday.
He said I can come with him as long as I'm okay to stay at hotel while he has a seminar.
The best part is my dad allows me to go anywhere I want after seminar is over.
So I told him that I would like to visit your house and he agreed to accompany me.
The hotel where we will stay is only one hour away from your house.
So, what do you say buddy? Old gang we'll be back! 😁
Can't wait to see you there.
P.S.: I'll bring you your favorite snack.
12. Who is Zellin on the letter above?
a. The addressee of the letter.
b. The writer of the letter.
c. The sender of the letter.
d. The deliverer of the letter.
13. What makes Tiara so happy?
a. She gets a prize.
b. She wins a competition.
c. She will get a letter from Tiara.
d. She will visit Tiara.
14. What condition does Tiara's dad ask if Tiara wants to come with her dad?
a. Tiara should join the seminar.
b. Tiara should wait at hotel during the seminar.
c. Tiara should go anywhere when seminar begins.
d. Tiara should join dad's business trip.
15. How far is Tiara's house from the hotel?
a. Not too far away.
b. One kilometer away.
c. Sixteen minutes away.
d. sixty minutes away.
Read the personal letter below to answer the question no 16 - 20.
Jl. Cikeleng no. 55
Arjasari - Singaparna
June 9th, 2023
Hi Penpal,
Hi Andrea I just called you penpal. Are you okay with that? You know, I am just joking around by calling you that. But it also represents what I feel about you.
You are the only friend who lives overseas and still keep in touch each other by letter.
OMG! look at those words I use to define what kind of friend you are.
How are you by the way? I hope you and your family are doing well.
Lately I'm thinking about friends I have. After graduating there's only few friends left, most of them are unreachable. I understand because we start a new episode, we're on different track. It gets me thinking maybe I would only have one or two true friends at the end.
I want to thank you Andrea. I know that we never meet each other but I guess you're always there everytime I need you.
I can feel you're a good person. Your careness and affection can be felt through the words in your letter.
Your advices help me through hard times.
Thank you. Thanks for being my friend.
You're such a valuable friend for me.
I hope we can meet someday.
When it happens it will be a great day for me.
Best wishes,
16. When is the letter composed?
a. After June 9th, 2023.
b. For 2023
c. On 19th of June.
d. In June.
17. Where does Andrea live?
a. Out of town.
b. Near the sea.
c. Abroad.
d. At countryside.
18. How do Ardiansyah and Andrea maintain their relationship?
a. By chatting regularly.
b. By meeting once a month.
c. By sending a letter each other.
d. By trusting each other.
19. What is the main point of the letter above?
a. Ardiansyah wants to meet Andrea.
b. Andrea is the only friend of Ardiansyah's.
c. Ardiansyah is grateful for having a valuable friend like Andrea.
d. Ardiansyah is sad because he can't reach his friends.
20. "most of them are unreachable."
Paragraph three.
The underlined word has same meaning with . . . . .
a. Reachable.
b. Unable to be contacted.
c. Accessible.
d. Easy to communicate with.
Baca juga: Download Soal PG Application Letter Free PDF
Kunci jawaban
Tetap stay on karena pembahasan akan dilanjutkan pada kunci jawaban.Berikut kunci jawaban soal PG personal letter dan jawaban.
1. c. Dear old friend,
2. b. Postscript
3. b. 6 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 4
4. a. Your childhood friend,
5. c. The writer's identity.
6. c. Because Dessy feels guilty toward Daryl.
7. c. Close friend.
8. b. Because Dessy feels lost after Daryl left.
9. a. Dessy lost her mom in an accident.
10. b. He would encourage Dessy.
11. d. Dessy needs Daryl because she has hard times.
12. a. The addressee of the letter.
13. d. She will visit Tiara.
14. b. Tiara should wait at hotel during the seminar.
15. d. sixty minutes away.
16. d. In June.
17. c. Abroad.
18. c. By sending a letter each other.
19. c. Ardiansyah is grateful for having a valuable friend like Andrea.
20. b. b. Unable to be contacted.
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Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
"Semangat menebar manfaat."
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