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Soal Isian dan Pembahasan: Should, Have to, Must

Should, have to, dan must adalah modals obligation. Modals obligation sendiri adalah jenis modals yang digunakan untuk menunjukan keharusan atau kewajiban.

Meskipun ketiga modals obligation tersebut memiliki fungsi yang sama, tapi dalam aturan penggunaannya should, have to, must memiliki aturannya masing-masing.

Soal latihan berikut dimaksudkan untuk menilai sejauh mana kemampuan kita dalam membedakan ketiga jenis modals obligation tersebut terutama dalam penggunaannya pada sebuah kalimat.

Soal yang akan kita bahas kali ini merupakan soal isian pendek, kita diharuskan memilih bentuk modals obligation yang paling tepat untuk setiap kalimat yang diberikan. juga sudah pernah memposting variasi soal latihan modals obligation must, have to, should dalam bentuk pilihan ganda.

Sekarang mari kita coba soal latihan dalam bentuk isian pendek.

Berikut soal soal isian dan pembahasan: should, have to, must selengkapnya.

DBI - Soal Isian dan Pembahasan: Should, Have to, Must

Modals of obligation: should, have to, must exercise

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate modals of obligation: must, have to, should.
The modals could also be in negative form depend on the sentence given.

1. I . . . . . bring hand-sanitizer every time due to pandemic situation.

2. You . . . . . eat chocolate too much. It's not good for your health.

3. I . . . . . finish reading this book today.

4. Risa . . . . . come to the meeting today. She is the IT team. The meeting is for marketing staff only.

5. I think the students . . . . . bring their own lunch to minimize the possibility of getting infected.

6. Every guest who comes to my house . . . . . smoke cigarette or vape. If they insist to smoke they must leave my house.

7. Helen: Should we wait for Aaron?
Carl: We . . . . . Let's begin without him.

8. Helen: Should we wait for Aaron?
Carl: Aaron will be late. He . . . . . deliver his sister first before he gets here.

9. The new employee needs to understand that if he wants to be promoted, he . . . . . work harder.

10. The room is being sterilized. Everyone . . . . . enter the room.

11. We . . . . . be at bus station 15 minutes early otherwise we won't be able to go home because it's the last bus.

12. You . . . . . go to to get the newest English articles.

13. I told him yesterday he . . . . . pay for the flu shot. It's free.

14. Why is Claire doing here? She . . . . . be at the office now. Isn't she still on medication?

15. You . . . . . go out without wearing uniform. It's still working hours, unless you want to get a trouble.

16. Sooner or later Tina . . . . . tell her problem. She can't solve her problem by herself. She needs a help.

17. You . . . . . be more nice to Mindy if you want to win her heart.

18. This is maximum security room, everybody . . . . . show their personal ID when they enter the room.

19. Nick: Hello Kellen what's up?
Kellen: I'm good.
Nick: Hey, can you come tomorrow to the park? Jessica and I will make free running video.
Kellen: I'm sorry, I can't. I . . . . . stand by at the warehouse. My boss tells me there will be more stuffs coming tomorrow.

20. Mom: "Ricky stop being lazy! You . . . . . tidy your room before you hang out with your friends.

This is the end of modals of obligation: should, have to, must exercise.

Kunci jawaban soal isian dan pembahasan: should, have to, must

Berikut kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soal isian modals of obligation: should, have to dan must.

1. have to
(keharusan karena keadaan / situasi)

2. shouldn't
(nasihat bernada negatif)

3. must
(keharusan berdasarkan tekad diri sendiri)

4. doesn't have to
(memberi tahukan sesuatu yang tidak perlu dilakukan)

5. should
(keharusan berupa pendapat)

6. must not
(menyatakan sebuah larangan)

7. don't have to
(memberi tahukan sesuatu yang tidak perlu dilakukan)

8. has to
(menunjukkan sebuah keharusan yang digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan, menggunakan has karena subject orang ketiga tunggal)

9. must
(keharusan berdasarkan tekad diri sendiri)

10. must not
(menyatakan sebuah larangan)

11. have to
(keharusan karena keadaan / situasi)

12. should
(keharusan yang bermakna saran / nasihat)

13. didn't have to
(memberi tahukan sesuatu yang tidak perlu dilakukan dalam bentuk past tense)

14. shouldn't
(nasihat bernada negatif)

15. must not
(menyatakan sebuah larangan)

16. has to
(keharusan karena keadaan / situasi, menggunakan has karena subject orang ketiga tunggal)

17. should
(keharusan yang bermakna saran / nasihat)

18. must
(menunjukan sebuah kewajiban / keharusan dalam sebuah aturan)

19. have to
(menunjukkan sebuah keharusan yang digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan)

20. must
(memberikan nasihat yang kuat)

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